I was almost named Alana - m
in reply to a message by hannah_1721
My Dad wanted a namesake but not a Junior due to the confusion. My parents decided had I been a boy they would have named me Alan, my Dad's middle name (and my younger brother). They contemplated using Alana for a girl but decided to save Alan for a possible future boy, but they decided, incase they never had a boy that the name should at least begin with A and named me Angela.
When I was younger I used to really hate that they didn't name me the more unique Alana.
I much prefer the simple look of Alana over Alaina.
I like all of your first name combos. For the middle name combos I like most of them except for Audrey Alana - but I like how it honors your Mom, just not the repetitive A.
When I was younger I used to really hate that they didn't name me the more unique Alana.
I much prefer the simple look of Alana over Alaina.
I like all of your first name combos. For the middle name combos I like most of them except for Audrey Alana - but I like how it honors your Mom, just not the repetitive A.