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I am a bit unsure about posting this name because I saw it in a church bulletin yesterday. But someone's first name was listed as Dodo. Whoever it is, I figure they need prayer of some sort, so I don't do this to make fun of their name. But have you ever heard of that name before. Do you think it's just a nickname?Chels'
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I do hope it's a nickname, it's totally ridiculous as a full name. I know a Dorothea who goes by Dodo.
Just think "dead as a dodo", it would be apalling as a full name, even if it has some origin as a legit name.
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I've actually heard it as a nn for Eduardo
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Makes me think of the extinct bird.
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Aw . . .My Aunt Joan was called Dodo when she was little. Her older sister, my Aunt Mary, couldn't say Joan.
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(I haven't read the other responses, my internet is sloooow tonight.)
In this case, I'd guess that Dodo is a nickname for any "D" name..Dorothy, Doris, Dolores.
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I found it on another site's also on here as a user submitted name. It says it can be a NN for Dolores be honest, I don't like it because all I can think of is the Dodo Bird. I really hope it's just the person's nickname.

This message was edited 8/18/2008, 12:53 PM

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no I never heard of it before. except for on the Dodo bird. It's cute for a pet not for a human being.
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i agree. lol
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Dodo is pronounced Doe Doe... it's a biblical name. I don't like it at all.
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I would use it the same day I name someone Idiot or Doofus, when Hell freezes over.
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Please provide a reference for where Dodo is a Biblical name. This is an etymology name site; claims of meaning should be backed up somehow.
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I googled it out of curiosity,Biblical_nameIt looks like a male name!
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Wow. Related to David?
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A lady at my church is Dodo
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Wow um I hope it's a NN but no I never heard of anyone that.
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