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Madison...on a boy...
I know, I's ruined forever! Curse the tryndees! But I've been thinking about it all day and I'm starting to like it a lot. I've never thought about it much on a girl...but it's certainly growing on me for a boy. I am thinking of the nickname "Mads". I don't think I could ever use it. Even when I have kids (which won't be for at least another ten years), the usage rise probably have gone done yet its former prescence will have totally confused the genders. But as a GP...what do you think?

This message was edited 8/3/2008, 10:45 PM

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Don't care for it on either gender, though I'd be less likely to gag seeing it on a boy rather than YET ANOTHER girl. We had a Madison Ezekiel at work about a year ago. Gorgeous baby, and I never did get to ask the parents their motivation behind the name. 9 out of 10 nurses at work were saying "poor kid" because of his "girly" name. *sigh* There's currently a male Madison on a Bravo reality show called "Millionaire Listing". I think he's in his mid-20s. I found it funny, though, when he went on a date with a guy named Erin. :b I wouldn't know what to think of a couple named Madison & Erin, but I'd definitely never think Erin was a guy. Hmm.
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Actually I know of a male Erin (through the internet).
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I had loved Madison from the movie Splash, back when no one used it, but could never use it now.But sometimes I find I'm also drawn to Madden, which I think would be good for a boy. A little shorter but a similar sound to it.
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Better on a boy than a girl, since it's everything bu feminine. The only problem is that, since it's so popular for girls, a male Madison might have a hard time with it.
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The sound of Madison makes me shudder and Mads even more. It is maddening. It is like a bumblebee in my head. It is like a ruptured blood vessel. It is like red ants. I can't like it on either gender ever, surname-rule aside.
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To me it seems like a masculine surname for a boy, but it is overused on a girls that I just see it as feminine more
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well [m]If you like it then I'd use it unless you can't see yourself using it at all (then IMO it becomes GP) it shouldn't be a GP because its too used on girls IMO that's how girls get all the boys names.I'd LOVE to need a boy MAdison FN or MN.
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As a middle name, it's quite handsome. I don't know yet if I like it for a first name, as right now it belongs to the girls. But Madison as a middle name really hits the spot right now.
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I actually met a guy while I was taking a test at the college last week with the name Madison. I'm not sure if he went by any nicknames, but it definitely caught my attention. I personally, can't stand this name for either gender. And because I think of all the 8 million little girls that have this name I now would rather see it on a girl than a boy.
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I know boys called Madison bvut then I live in England where names like Madison Ashley Riley excetra are still concidered to be unisex.
I dont like surnamey names much myself though.
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I might like it as a middle name for a boy
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Yah, I think the girls and trendees have ruined this name. If you caught me before the trend and asked me this same question I said I would have liked it. Now I would just say you should look into other historical last names like Edison, Roosevelt, Woodrow, etc.
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I have an irrational hate for it.I'd honestly rather see it on a girl, because it sounds so terribly poncy on a boy. Like his parents are distant descendants of James Madison's and they want to remind everyone of their connections, thank-you very much. With a hint of "Those silly little girls aren't fit to bear the name, unlike my son." I mean, yeah, meaning and all, but it still bugs me. I don't know why, but it just does.Er... but there's nothing wrong with having it as a GP, I suppose! I just can't tolerate it, personally. Mads is a pretty wicked nickname, though. I'd just prefer to see it used for something else. :)
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lol, agree.dd
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With a hint of "Those silly little girls aren't fit to bear the name, unlike my son."Yeah, this is the vibe I get from it too. Madison isn't even a particularly common surname, and it's never been a well-established boy's name. So to me it sounds like it's just being used to make a point - a redundant point, imo, because the meanings of names hardly ever make literal sense. They don't have to.

This message was edited 8/4/2008, 2:24 AM

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I don't think it deserves to be shoved off so easily. I overheard a mom talking to her 10-year-old son Madison in a doctor's office not too long ago, and it made me extremely happy. Really, it's such a great name, and it has the "son" ending, which is always easy to point out in the case of teasing. And hey, just so you know, a lot of kids don't automatically know the usual gender of names. There was a kid in my elementary school named Cassidy (boy,) and I can't recall him ever being made fun of. Nobody realized it could be a girl's name.
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I really like it as a middle name--I was actually just thinking vaguely about John Madison as a combo this afternoon--but that's because it's the capitol of my state and I am so state-patriotic it's not even funny. I always feel a bit odd seeing other, non-Wisconsinite people considering it (or using it, for that matter), whether for a boy or a girl. It's like, you (you general, not you specific) probably have never even been to my beloved Madison. Why are you considering it? You know what I mean? I'm oddly territorial about it.So yeah. John Madison, because I associate John with John Nolen, who was an important figure in Madison history. And also Madison Blue(s), because I love George Thorogood. ;) Madison is a cool name for a guy, especially in the MN spot.Array
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I'm quite state-patriotic myself. :) But I don't think Lansing is a good name. I do think Madison is a good middle name for a boy, but I wouldn't use it. Don't worry, I'll let you have all things Wisconsin to yourself.
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LMAO I'm the same way about Olympia :P
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Ditto. :-)
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