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Re: Rosalie and Cecily
in reply to a message by Fer
I LOVE Rosalie. It's just so quaint and adorable. Cecily is nice, too. I'm more partial to Cécile (as both Rosalie and Cécile were Gracie Allen's middle names :)), but Cecily is very nice.Combo suggestions:Rosalie Charlotte
Rosalie Gwyneth
Rosalie Kate
Rosalie Jane
Rosalie Estella
Rosalie Seraphina
Rosalie Corinne
Rosalie Camille
Rosalie Maren
Rosalie Christabel
Rosalie Davina Cecily Theodora
Cecily Fiona
Cecily Cora
Cecily Frieda
Cecily Justine
Cecily Flora
Cecily Bronwen
Cecily Arabella
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I really like Cecily Justine... It has a beautiful sound to it!
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