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Re: Beatrice
in reply to a message by Avis
1. What is your opinion of Beatrice? Does the name make you imagine a certain sort of person?
- I like the name but prefer Beatrix and also prefer it for a mn. I imagine an upper class British girl.2. What do you think about the combo Beatrice Laura?
- It's ok, but Laura Beatrice sounds so much better imo!3. Any sibling suggestions?
- Millie, Molly, Ruby, Lucille, Lucinda, Matilda, Martha, Phoebe, Charlotte, Clara, Evelyn, Hazel, Ivy, Tabitha, Rosemary, Victoria
Jonathan, Oscar, Elliott, Peter, Isaac, Michael, Maxwell, Jerome, Henry, Gideon, Frederick, Nathaniel, Vincent, Darcy, Alexander
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