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BAs from Croatia
Babies born in Croatia in the last few weeks. Opinions?* are the ones I likeBOYS:Ivica (Ljubica & Ivan*)
Karlo (Kristina & Danijel)
Nikola (Helena*)
Gabriel* (Zeljka & Sinisha)
Luka* (Mladena)
Predrag (Ivana & Vjeran)
Matej* (Josipa & Krunoslav)
Daniel* (Miroslava & Dragan)
Max* (Maria*)
Sinisha (Jasmina & Milan)
Sasha (Svjetlana & Jovo)GIRLS:Lorena* (Violeta* & Nikola)
Leona (Natasha* & Tomislav)
Maria* (Renata & Vlado)
Lorena* (Slagana & Zlatko)
Nikolina (Monika & Drazen)
Ena* (Snjezana & Zarko)
Valentina* (Milan)
Ena* (Ivana & Nenad)
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One option - love Predrag!
Another option - It is interesting to see Maria, and not Marija - do you see the "non-traditional" spelling often?(And one question - do you know anything about Sinisha?)
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Maria has becoming more popular since the 1990s with other more international names like Sara, Laura, Lisa, etc
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I think Ena's awful.
Lorena's pretty - Sofia, is it a traditional Croatian name or is it a modern rendering of Lauren, introduced to the English-speaking public by Lauren Bacall?
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I think Lorena came to Croatia from Italy. It's been in the top 10 for the past few years.
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