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Just thinking, there are loads of chavs in my school and I wondered about how the name related to the person (of course names won't decide who a person is or how they behave). Maybe I don't like some of them because they're just really modern and strange or whatever, but I would like to know what everyone else thought of them and if they're 'popular' in the chav world (I'm not trying to offend anyone!)Abby
Becky or Becca (I used to like the names Rebecca and Becky)
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Imogen & Rebecca aren't chavvy in the slightest :S
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Yeah, I'd say most of those are chav-like names, exept Troy but that's only because the boy I like has that name and he's the complete opposite of a chav, so I suppose it depends on which country you're in and who you know. Chardonnay- where do I begin? Who? Why?
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Here are the ones that strike me as "chavvy":
Charleigh (urgh!)
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What are chavs? Are they preppies, punks, jocks, geeks, drama kids, stoners, skater kids? I'm from the U.S., so I have no idea what you're talking about.
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Sorry, chavs are the type who hang around on street corners with nothing better to do, they drink and smoke from a young age in most cases and they tend to have their t-shirt collar turned up because they think it's cool. Chavs more than often wear Fred Perry and Lacoste and most think it's really cool to sleep with each other under age, so that's where the teenage pregnancies often come from. Really nasty pieces of work.
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Oh, okay. We call those losers here in the states.
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I think the equivalent would be 'white trash'.
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and another thing,,,While most people use 'chav' as a term of offence, the chavs themselves actually often wear it as a badge of honour, and are really proud to call themselves chavs. They're also called Charvas, Scallies, or Neds, depending where in the country you're from (and probably some other names that I don't know about!)
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I just call those people lazy and easy.. the girls would be the trampy girls, the guys are the ones that think they are macks, some people called them party kids.
Thats what it seems like they would be where i grew up in the US.
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I know a chavette called Katie.
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I dont think Erin is that chavvy but the rest are. I wouldnt say Skye was that chavvy but I guess it will get that way in the next few years as more people decide to use it. The most Chavvy names I can think of are Chanelle and Barry ..or Lee! Lee's well chavvy.
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Yeah, Erin and Skye don't sound chavvy to me either.
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Yes! Chanelle, the wannabe WAG of BB8. I know a really sweet teacher called Lee and there's loads of others too, but so far I haven't met a younger, chav type Lee. Barry- not so much. When I hear Barry, I think of someone middle aged, rather round and balding. (Sorry to any of the young, thin, thick haired Barrys out there!)
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I'm from the US, so the concept of the chav doesn't really apply, but I like these ones:Abby (preferably as a nickname, but I think it's workable on its own)
Becky or Becca (again, preferably as a nickname, but I think they're workable, especially Becca)
Imogen (well, I like Imogene a great deal; sometimes I think I'm the only one on the planet [or at least BtN] who doesn't like Imogen at all :P)
Jazmine (spelled Jasmine, I like it a good deal)
Rikki (as a nickname, I think it's perfectly nice)
Shannon (for either sex--I think it's one of the few names that really sounds nice unisex)Array
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me too!I just don't see what everyone here loves about Imogen!
I've tried so hard, but I guess some things I will never understand. :)
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