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Re: Angelina
in reply to a message by Marla
I much prefer Angelina to anything that's been suggested. I do think of Angelina Jolie, because she's so well known, but that won't always be the case. I think the name is so beautiful and even though I'm not a fan of hers, I would still consider using it. Here are some combo suggestions:Angelina Daisy
Angelina Rose
Angelina Hazel
Angelina Grace
Angelina Phoebe
Angelina Pearl
Angelina Iris
Angelina Emily
Angelina Kate
Angelina Belle
Angelina Sadie
Angelina Sky / Skye
Angelina Zoe
Angelina Chloe
Angelina Violet
Angelina Brooke
Angelina Maeve / Mae
Angelina Madeleine
Angelina Rosie
Angelina Ruby
Angelina Rachel
Angelina PoppyAs fas as nn's go, there's Angie, Angel or Lina.
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