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My cousin (f) is expecting a baby in July. The couple is Ronaldo and Nika (nee-kah). I just found out that she is dead-set on naming the child Philipa. WDYT? Also, she has no middle names for it. What names could potentially go with Philipa?Much appreciated.
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Alright, well I spoke to Nika and she says her favourite is Philippa Jane, Jade or Claire. She thinks one-syllable works best with the name.Thanks everyone!
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Philippa is gorgeous.
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I rather like this name, but prefer the spelling Phillippa. The nickname Pippa is adorable!
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I love Philipa spelled Philippa. I have it on my PNL paired with Blythe as a middle name and a nickname of Pippa.I think light, bubbly sort of names pair well with it, because Philippa has a lighter connotation to me.
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I love Philippa (strictly this spelling). ♥
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I really like Philippa. I agree with Siri that Philipa Jane is adorable.
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Philipa is greatIt's not something I'd necessarily use, but it's fantastic nonetheless. Unfortunatly, the only combo I can come up with is Philipa Thais. Most of my favorite names tend to be EXTREMELY pretentious, and just don't work well with Philipa at all. It's a lovely name, though.
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Philipa is gorgeous though the only spelling I personally like is Philippa. My favorite Philippa combo, at the moment, is Philippa Margot (mar-GO).
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Hate namePhilipa Nike (for Nika)
Philipa Lucy
Philipa Rose
Philipa Lilli, Lily
Philipa Jade
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Past favorite.I like it, it's classy and spunky.I think Philipa Jane would be adorable.
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