I love the name Susan, but when running it by several people in real life, they all maintain that it's dated (to the 1950s) and that it's a bad idea to use for a child today because it sounds so 'old'.But I still love it, lol.What is your opinion on Susan? Do you think it's dated and stale, or do you think it should be dusted off and used for a new generation of baby girls?
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I like it. I'm not a fan of Sue at all, but Susan is nice and I would like to see it used again.
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I love the name Susan! To me it's one of those names that may seem dated to some but I think it would be a nice choice for a girl these days.Awhile back one of my favorite girl's combos was Susan Elizabeth.
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It's gorgeous, and timeless. I don't find it dated.
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I don't understand why people say it's dated. True, its popularity peaked during the 1950s, but it is a classic name from a Biblical root and surely should be considered timeless. Perhaps you could consider Susanna or Susannah, both popular in the eighteeenth century with the nns Sukie/Sukey rather than Susie. Those nns could work for Susan too - I think Sue is the boring bit, not Susan!

This message was edited 4/15/2008, 8:32 AM

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Susan has a reputation for being boring, but when you look at the name stats for today, it's actually quite distinctive (ranks at 611 in the US), and is not at all as popular as it once was. So if you are looking for something deceptively distinctive, then Susan is for you. There are a lot of adult Susans, but not many young girls named Susan.It will come back, I'm sure. If you name your kid Susan, in the future she will be sort of like a 30 something today named Ella. She'll be ahead of her time, in a retro sense. However, despite the stats, I still find the name quite boring personally. But, as I mentioned in a recent post, Sukie, which is an old-fashioned nick name for Susan, is very cute.
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I think Susan is lovely, a little dated, but I like that. As previously suggested, Susannah is also lovely, and I have a fondness for Suzette too.
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I would say that Susan is classic, though rarely considered so because of its immense popularity in the baby boom era. I find Susannah more enchanting, but my no-frills+honesty side opts for Susan.
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Absolutely lovely. I think it's very classy sounding. Have always liked this name... never thought it sounded "dated".
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I'm not a huge fan of it, but I don't hate it either. I certainly think it could be used again, no doubt. I personally prefer Susie / Suzie though. I think it sounds nicer.
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My husband and I both have Aunts named Susan. I also have a cousin named Susan. I think it would be refreshing on a little girl in the 21st century.
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I think Susan is a sweetheart of a name. It's pretty and pleasant and I can picture someone of any age or description having it. It does remind me of the 50s straight away but not in a negative way. I genuinely like a lot of the names that were most popular during that decade. Maybe it's because they remind me of my mother, aunts, and similar women; they have a familiar and comfortable sound that I enjoy rather than am put off by. I've met plenty of happily named Susans, Carols, Cynthias, Patricias, Marys, Lindas, and once a Judith in their early twenties. I'd say Susan is still up for circulation. :-)
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I have a cousin named Susan who is 19. I don't think it's dated at all.
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I love it.It's one of those dated names that is still very usable, imho. It's my mother's name, though, and she grew up with a TON of them - and therefore hates her name. Otherwise I'd use it in an instant.
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I love Susan, and I think it's timeless enough. Besides, who says you can't use a slightly out-of-synch name and get away with it? The tail-end of the Top 1000 says otherwise lol.If you like it, use it.
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It has a bad connotation for me. One of my favorite series in all the world is the Chronicles of Narnia. Susan was all right in the beginning, but in the end, she stops believing. So I never really cared for the name Susan.In addition to that, it is definitely dated and stale, in my opinion.
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I've always loved Susan--I hear it and think of the character from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. She was always my favourite. And for what it's worth, I know two Susans my age (one goes by Susie, the other, Susan), and it works just fine on both of them.I also really like Suzanne.Array
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Alas, Suzanne was ruined for me by Suzanne Sommers.I will never be able to get rid of that connection. :-(
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I think Susan is timeless.
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