WDYT of Felicity?
Felicity is a GP for me, although it's probably not something I'd ever use.
Felicity Elizabeth: this doesn't seem to flow very well although I LOVE the name Elizabeth (I prefer the sp. Elisabeth though)...it seems to run together imo perhaps because it has so many "l" and "i" sounds
Felicity Christine: this combination is okay...my second fave on your list
Felicity Louise: again, it doesn't seem to flow very well imo although Louise is pretty...it seems to run together with the "l" sounds
Felicity Anne: I think this is the best combo on your list; Anne is short and sweet next to a name like Felicity
***Felicity and Frederick sound fine as siblings imo.

~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Janna Cristina Rose
Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
Felicity Elizabeth: this doesn't seem to flow very well although I LOVE the name Elizabeth (I prefer the sp. Elisabeth though)...it seems to run together imo perhaps because it has so many "l" and "i" sounds
Felicity Christine: this combination is okay...my second fave on your list
Felicity Louise: again, it doesn't seem to flow very well imo although Louise is pretty...it seems to run together with the "l" sounds
Felicity Anne: I think this is the best combo on your list; Anne is short and sweet next to a name like Felicity
***Felicity and Frederick sound fine as siblings imo.
~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Janna Cristina Rose
Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
I don't care for it because the meaning is too trivial sounding for a woman's name - JMO, YMMV and all that, but I've only ever heard this as a name for a cat, and the only time I liked it was when I was a kitten-crazy nine-year-old.
Best combo you have there: F. Louise. Second best: F. Anne.
I think it goes okay with Frederick as a sister's name, but not great, since Felicity strikes me as slightly fanciful and Frederick is traditional.
- chazda
Best combo you have there: F. Louise. Second best: F. Anne.
I think it goes okay with Frederick as a sister's name, but not great, since Felicity strikes me as slightly fanciful and Frederick is traditional.
- chazda
Felicity has to many ee sounds (i and y) for my liking.
From your combos, I'd choose Felicity Anne, because it's not too long, and the mn has no more ee in it.
Felicity and Frederick work fine.
From your combos, I'd choose Felicity Anne, because it's not too long, and the mn has no more ee in it.
Felicity and Frederick work fine.
Felicity Anne or Felicity Christine
I think they flow best. Felicity Louise is a bit L-heavy, and Felicity Elizabeth is a mouthful (and also L-heavy).
Frederick and Felicity are fine as siblings. I don't belive in limiting yourself with rigid rules like "same first initial is forbidden".
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
I think they flow best. Felicity Louise is a bit L-heavy, and Felicity Elizabeth is a mouthful (and also L-heavy).
Frederick and Felicity are fine as siblings. I don't belive in limiting yourself with rigid rules like "same first initial is forbidden".
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
This message was edited 9/22/2005, 5:44 PM
I like the name Felicity. My favorite of your combos is Felicity Elizabeth, that sounds very sofisticated and feminine. While I also like the name Frederick, I'm not feeling the whole alliteration thing. If there were other children in the family with names that didn't start with F I would say go for it, but there's something, at least to me, that's too 'picture perfect' about two sibs w/ the same first letter of their name.