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Re: Mirella and Thomas
in reply to a message by Siri
I loooove Thomas. It is soft and stable. I also love Tom.I haaaate Mirella. That super sweet Mir- needs something more stable than -ella or -elle to back it up. I like Miranda but Mirella is just like drinking molasses. Ugggh. I also hate Caramia, Gianna pronounced gee-AH-nah, and Liliana for the same reasons (though I do not have any problem with Lillian). It is VERY pwetty pwetty pwincess to me
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Uh...Some of us *like* drinking molasses (in small amounts, from a spoon, and now I want some...). :-P I do agree about both names, too. Thomas is way cool. What do you think of Thomasina? Does it fall into the same hate category?
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Lol Thomasina :D
Thomasina is actually the third name in my second girls combo, Cordelia Tippins Thomasina. I never liked it before this year, I though it was kind of "Ummm okay," like Jamesina or Norbertina or something, but I read Arcadia this year and liked the character, and Arcadia was VERY significan... there is a 30 page epic story about all of the symbolic significance of Thomasina that I could send you.Anyway I like it but I resent Tom as a nickname for it because Tom is not only masculine, it is drop-dead gorgeous. Teddy can go both ways, Bobby can, Percy and Perry spelled Percie and Perrie - but Tom? I don't even like Tommie. So idk. It would be cool to meet a Thomasina nn Tom or not. (Actually all of my great grandmother's siblings called her Tom, and her name was Mary. *shrug!*)
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LOLFor some reason Mirella doesn't have that feeling to me, whereas the others do. Hmm.I don't like Tom. When I was in grade school my guidance counselor was Tom Bundy and he was a total incompetent nincompoop. Fourteen years after I graduated elementary school I'd still like to deck the man.
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*embarrass*The reason I like Tom is because I... have a character named Thomas Regulus Aquinas Voltaire (mns are cultural) nn Tom, and um I also have a big crush on him. And that is the only real association I have with Tom, and I think it is a great set of three letters and a nice noise and I like the T and the M and the fact that there is an H in the original but not anymore. But I can understand how an association would ruin it.
Incidentally I spoke again with the young Joshua today, and we all asked him which name he preferred, Joshua, Josh, JP, or Pax (mn Paxton). "Joshua," he said. And everyone calls him Joshua. *shrug* just saying.
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Yes, but is his grandma my mom?My mom had to nickname my nephew Isaac, for pete's sake. Ikey. The child is now trying to rid himself of that nickname with limited success.
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