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Birth Announcements
I found these names in a recent birth announcement. I left my own thoughts, please feel free to contribute your own. What do you think?GIRLSAidan Renee: I really love this.
Aislyn Celine: Okay.
Allin Daniela: Dislike Allin, but love Daniela.
Amber Marie: Really dislike Amber.
Angelina Alexis: Dislike.
Aubrey Hope: I would like it better if it were Audrey Hope.
Hayden Parker: I actually love both names on a girl, but if I used one, it would be with a really feminine middle name.
Jayla Etha: I dislike both names.
Jordyn Rylee Ann: Ick. Sorry.
Madison Aileen: I dislike both names.
Mandy Louise: I semi-like Mandy, but only has a nickname, and I am in love with Louise. However, this makes a nice combo.
Maritza: No middle name? I don’t like what is there though…
Miley Amaris: Miley Cyrus has made this name so incredibly popular…I don’t care for Amaris either.
Yanitzia Nairobi: Dislike.
Yuvia Neveen: Dislike.BOYSAJ Kingsley: I like AJ as a nickname (initials), but it is odd standing alone. I also dislike Kingsley.
Andre Gael: This makes me think of “The Perfect Storm”—the ship was called Andrea Gail
Bladimir: I really hope that the person typing this article accidentally hit the “B” instead of the “V” (they’re right next to each other)
Christopher Peter: Too “common” for me. I like Christopher, and Peter’s okay, but I prefer at least one more “upbeat” name.
Cody Edward: Cute.
Cody Mathew: I dislike Mathew, but love Cody.
D’Angelo Richard: No…
Dixon Glen: Both names have bad connotations for me.
Edwin Josue: Dislike.
Eldan Cruz: I love Cruz, dislike Eldan.
Jack Thomas: A bit plain, but I love it.
Jackson Ryan: Dislike.
James David: Again, simple, but nice.
Kaden Aiona: I really dislike Kaden, and Aiona just seems like a girl’s name to me.
Kolten Joseph: I prefer Colton and dislike Joseph.
Mason Thrasher: Speechless. Haha.
Reese Thomas: I like Thomas, but prefer Rhys.
Sean Patrick: Sean Patrick Thomas anybody?
Zander Davis: Dislike.
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