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Some thoughts:
in reply to a message by Lethe
(I won't comment on all the names, but some did catch my eye)Nell Gillian - I love Nell with a passion, but the combo has too many Ls.
Jenna Lily - Jenna is meh but Lily is surprisingly pretty in the mn slot.
Muriel Erskine - Ugh. Muriel is rather frumpy and I would only pair it with something more modern so that little Muriel could have something to fall back on if she didn't like her name.
Judy Jean - Both names are very outdated.
Mairi Niamh - Ooh, pretty!
Maisie Sally - Rule of thumb: the names in a combo that have the same number of syllables should not end in the same sound.Jamie Derek - The whole combo just screams 80s to me. Jamie is unfortunately too unisex to use on a boy.
Adam Guy - Adam is blah, but I like Guy as a mn.
Luca David George - Luca has always struck me as a euro-pretentious name, and the double mn doesn't help.
Mackenzie Alexander - I agree. Great on a boy.
Grant Thomas - Handsome.
Logie Finlay - What were his parents thinking?
Ramsay Douglas - Also handsome, but Ramsay and Finlay should not be in the same sibset. Normally I don't like Douglas, but when a Scot has it as a name it makes me think of Scottish clan history.
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Disagree about Jamie!...And Mackenzie....
Not a v. interesting post on my part.
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I'm surprised at the response to Nell, at best it seems nicknamey to me, at worst, it reminds me of death knell lol, I think I've been reading too much Shakespeare.I'm really glad to see Muriel, I agree it has a frumpy image, but underneath that it's such a pretty name and hopefully if you start to see more girls called Muriel it will lose the image. Jamie is not as unisex here, it is quite firmly established as a boys name (my dad is known as Jamie) and girls called Jamie are very much a recent phenomenon, and still in a minority.
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