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Re: some random BAs
in reply to a message by Lethe
Nell Gillian (Colin + Sarah, siblings Ned + Poppy) - I like both names but not together. Poppy is cute.
Jenna Lily (Warren + Heather) - NMS
Erika Rae (Martin + Julie, sister Ingrid) - I love Ingrid, the rest are nms.
Muriel Erskine (Bobby + Wendy [nee Erskine]) - I like Wendy, the rest are nms.
Imogen Alice (Tony + Kate) - Gorgeous combo!
Sadie Grace (Paul + Caroline) - I dislike them all but Caroline.
Sophie Cameron (Gareth + Debbie) - Sophie is cute, I dislike the rest.
Darcie Leah (Alex + Clair) - I like Darcie (prefer Darcy) and Clair (prefer Clare).
Isla Elizabeth (Edward + Lena) - NMS
Judy Jean (Craig + Irene) - NMS
Amélie Lily Martina (Andrew + Vanessa) - I like Amelie but not the others.
Jennifer Victoria Ellen (Stuart + Nyree, brother James) - NMS
Gracie Heather (James + Martine) - NMS
Emma Jacqueline Marion (Colin + Marion, brother Marc) - NMS
Freya Anne (Neil + Sharon, brothers Reiss + Jamie) - I like Freya and Jamie.
Joanna Gracie (George + Shona [nee Gracie]) - NMS
Amber Helen Margaret (Colin + Helen, brothers Aidan + Mark) - NMS
Janet (Stan + Shona) I like Stan.
Kirsty Linn (James + Morven, brother Ewan) - NMS
Mairi Niamh (Lyle + Lindsay, sister Riona) - NMS
Elspeth Grace (Robin + Julia) - I love Elspeth and Robin.
Isla Jasmine Fitz (David + Yusnidar) - NMS
Maisie Sally (Iain + Katie, brother Jack) - I like Iain, Katie, and Jack
Morven Mackie (Kevin + Una, sister Mhairi) - NMS
Ella Marianne (Kevin + Julianne) - NMS
Jamie Derek (Garry + Wendy) - I like Jamie and Wendy.
Mack (Sam + Tia) - I love Mack!
Logan Thomas (Ross + Sacha) - Logan is cute but overly popular in the US.
Adam Guy (Alasdair + Jane) - I like Jane.
Thomas Douglas (Derek + Clare, brother Robbie} - I like Clare.
Ruairidh Kyle (Shouren + Carolyn) - I like Carolyn.
Scott Thomas Monroe (Richard + Sarah) - NMS
Oscar Mac Johan (Pierre + Fiona) - I like Mac but dislike the others.
Finlay Alastair (Robin + Sam, brother Spencer) - I love Robin!
Luca David George (Jonathan + Julia) - NMS
Aran Michael (Peter + Thuc) I like Michael.
Mackenzie Alexander (Douglas + Bronwyn) - I like Bronwyn.
Grant Thomas (Tom + Elizabeth Ann, sister Teagan) - I like Grant Thomas.
Logie Finlay (Simon + Melanie, siblings Rory + Caitlin) - NMS
Joseph Dylan Alexander (Anthony + Anne, sister Charlotte} NMS
Harrison Norman (Jonathan + Marguerite) - NMS
Blair Charles (Dean + Mhairi) - NMS
Ramsay Douglas (Dougie + Cathy, siblings Finlay + Matilda) - I like Matilda.
Adam Isaac (Andrew + Bethan, siblings Luke + Evie} - I like Adam Isaac and Evie.
Evan Jonathan (Jonathan + Rhiannon, sister Chloe) - I like Evan and Rhiannon.
Cailean MacKenzie (Andi + Vicki) - NMS
Torin (Donald + Morag, siblings Riona + Fergus) - I like Torin.
Nathan Arthur (Niall + Karen) - I like Nathan Arthur.
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