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Re: some random BAs
in reply to a message by Lethe
Jenna Lily - Jenna is a major GP of mine. I'd never use it though.
Erika Rae - I agree. Rae is probably my least favorite mn. I'd rather see a Mary or Elizabeth any day.
Sophie - Sophie is so gorgeous. A recent favorite of mine.
Darcie - I adore Darcy (this spelling) on a boy.
Isla Elizabeth - Gorge.
Emma Jacqueline Marion
Helen Margaret
Oscar Mac Johan - I love make and this combo makes me smile. :)
Mackenzie Alexander
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Just curious why is Jenna a GP?It just seems to be a normal name.I really like Jenna Lily
Jennifer Victoria Ellen
Joanna Gracie
Ella MarianneScott Thomas (Monroe works)
Joseph and Alexander but not Dylan
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I wouldn't consider it a gp either, but I see her point. I've only known one Jenna, and I think its considered to be quite dated. I don't see why it's not due a comeback though, there's enough Jenny's in the world, so it doesn't surprise me to see parent's using it as an alternative.
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