What do you think of Dakota for a girl? What about "Kodi" for a nn?
It is overly trendy for my tastes. If you don't mind trendy, I guess it works.
I really dislike it. I didlike place names in general, or tribe names. It seems to have extremely little meaning to someone not from a place or of that descent. And I don't like the name Kodi, in any of its guises, and especially not for a girl. Sorry!
As a name in and of itself it is cute. My biggest problem with it is that I dislike the use of tribe names as first names. While Dakota and Cheyenne are pretty names, they just don't suit a child in my opinion. Tribe names are usually plural. BtN says that Dakota means friend, but a few other sites say it means friends (plural). Based on other tribal names, I am inclined to believe that it is plural. It just doesn't sound right to me to give a name like that to a child. Perhaps I place to great an emphasis on the meaning. My other problem with it is that it is overly popular where I live. In fact, that would have been my youngest sister's name until my parents realized how popular it is and settled on Chloe (which they later realized is just as popular).
Edited for spelling.
Edited for spelling.
This message was edited 3/21/2008, 10:01 AM
I find Dakota as a name kind of offensive and degrading to the Dakota Indians. (Also, as an Alabamian I find it degrading and diminishing when people use the name Alabama, especially non-Alabamians who just think the name sounds cute. I assume that is the appeal of Dakota for you. Just trying to help you understand my logic.) It does sound kind of cute, but it is too trendy and I still find it too offensive to advocate. Kodi is a fine NN for it, it makes sense.
Also I find the use of modern names rather disrespectful to all of history. But I won't get into that now.
Also I find the use of modern names rather disrespectful to all of history. But I won't get into that now.
Well, my grandparents have a dog named Dacotah, so I really only like the name for dogs now. It's not a bad name though, so I wouldn't be horrified to see it used for a girl or boy. I prefer the NN Kota.
Along the same lines...(edited)
I know several people who have named their pets (mainly dogs) Dakota (my aunt, a friend and two other relatives included). Dakota, IMO, seems to be a name that was nice on a human for a very short amount of time - I can count on one hand the number of times I've heard it while out and about - but has remained popular in the animal-naming world! I personally wouldn't use it....
I know several people who have named their pets (mainly dogs) Dakota (my aunt, a friend and two other relatives included). Dakota, IMO, seems to be a name that was nice on a human for a very short amount of time - I can count on one hand the number of times I've heard it while out and about - but has remained popular in the animal-naming world! I personally wouldn't use it....
This message was edited 3/21/2008, 9:38 AM
People names on animals
I really love people names for animals, but I get so used to hearing those names for dogs and cats that I start disliking them for people. Lily, Daisy, Dacotah / Dakota, Delilah, Gracie, Molly, Amos, Asa, and many more are all animal names to me. But I think many people names are getting popular for animals.
I really love people names for animals, but I get so used to hearing those names for dogs and cats that I start disliking them for people. Lily, Daisy, Dacotah / Dakota, Delilah, Gracie, Molly, Amos, Asa, and many more are all animal names to me. But I think many people names are getting popular for animals.
This message was edited 3/21/2008, 9:46 AM
I totally agree!
I know a Dakota that is a girl. She is VERY LOUD and annoying. Everyone calls her Kota. The name is okay. Not something I'd use, but nice on someone else's child.
I like it, but prefer it on a boy. It's not TOO bad for a girl, though.
I like Kodi as a nn, but prefer it spelt as Koti.
I like Kodi as a nn, but prefer it spelt as Koti.