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Re: Random BA's
Lucky Eugene Darnell: No, he is not lucky at all to have those two dorky middle names.Legacy Lonzel Jahkie: He hasa pretty sad legacy.Major Vance: A major AD-vance?Mcshawner Shalishala: The height of kre8yv foolishness with mc. And shilly-shally.Sunny James-Aiden: Sonny James was an old-time C&w singer.Sellers McKay: Attorneys at law.Trapper: He'll get picked on by the bunny huggers at school. Him and Hunter both.Piper Cain: Is that a choice of weapons to be beaten with? A pipe or cane?McLeod: AKA the Clod.Lyric Lee Marie: Like Casual Lee Elegant? (The slogan of a hotel down the beach.)
Kaiser Kole: WHy not Kaiser Roll?Destiny Hope: There's a good reason Miley Cyrus abandoned this combo. Because it is TRASHY!Billey JoeAnn: They were surprised she was a girl so they just added an e and and an Ann.Kenya C: No, I can't see, it's too small! Bring it closer!Fayth Angel: Another from the Dead or Abandoned Babies Named by the Media file.Lundyn Jorja: Miss Teen SC is here!Myklynn: Ick.Paisley Lee: Like naming somebody Diane Ann or Helen Ellen.Herleah: Hurling Leah.Delisious: A new girl for Starla's Angels, the secort service where discretion is our watchword!Heaven Reign: See Fayth Angel.Miracle Willie Mae: THe miracle was they ressurected a big fat redneck lady who's been dead 85 years.Myztik: Another Starla's Angel? Or just a wine cooler.Phoenix Mykal Jean: Michael Jackson missed this name or he would have wanted to use it.Quinlynn Lee: Even dumber than Paisley Lee.
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