Q about Pronounciation and your opinion
I've just discovered the name Aceline for a girl and i first said it A-See-Lin which i really like but i think that's probably wrong. How would you pronounce it and what are your opinions of the name?
Its french btw and means noble
Its french btw and means noble
Are you sure it isn't Adeline? Anything with an "Adel-" prefix means noble / high rank. Names like Adelheidis, Adelheid, Adelaide, Adele, Adela, Adeline, etc. fall into this category.
I've never heard of Aceline before and it makes me suspicious. Put together with the meaning you list I and it really makes me think there's a mistake somewhere. Then again, I don't know everything. I just think I do.
If you have more information on the name, I'd love to hear it.
I've never heard of Aceline before and it makes me suspicious. Put together with the meaning you list I and it really makes me think there's a mistake somewhere. Then again, I don't know everything. I just think I do.
If you have more information on the name, I'd love to hear it.
ayz-a-leen and ayz-leen are the ways i've heard it pronounced.
ayz-a-leen and ayz-leen are the ways i've heard it pronounced.
Do you mind if I ask where/who by? Ayz-a-leen doesn't sound like French pronunciation of Aceline so I'm wondering whether it caught on somewhere else? Or, I know in North America there are those pronounce the Irish name Aislin as "Ayz-lin" or something... it wasn't that, was it?
Lol, I don't know why this suddenly interests me so much! :-D
Lol, I don't know why this suddenly interests me so much! :-D
I'd say it 'Ah-suh-leen', which reminds me of Vaseline.
I prefer the similar looking Adeline
I prefer the similar looking Adeline
I'd pronounce it A-SUH-leen. However I must say I'm a bit skeptical about this name being French and meaning "noble". I've lived in French-speaking areas for various years, have gone through one or two French name books and it doesn't sound remotely familiar. I also don't see etymologically how it could mean "noble".
I don't want to pick on you, maybe you're right on this (there's a French name website http://www.prenoms.com/ but I can't manage to access it for some reason). But baby name sites are notoriously unreliable and designed to pleased, and since they're based on previous baby name books that can explain the similarity.
This message was edited 3/9/2008, 11:08 AM
I just found it on 123-baby-names.com then checked it against Babynames.com and they both said the same thing
I imagine it sounds something like Vaseline. Do not like!
I think more like Ay-suh-lyn, but I like yours too.
The name is very pretty. And the meaning is nice too.
The name is very pretty. And the meaning is nice too.
like vaseline
Yeah, in French it would be pronounced like Vaseline without the 'v' - "Ass-uh-leen"/"Ass-leen" (the middle syllable would be kind of skimmed over). Maybe best left alone for obvious reasons!
If I didn't speak French, I don't know what I'd make of it if I saw it written down - a-sell-een? a-sell-ine? ass-e-leen? etc. etc. And none of them would seem quite right, if you know what I mean. I don't think it works that well in English, basically.
Do you like Josceline, or Aline? They're French-sounding names that seem kind of similar.
Yeah, in French it would be pronounced like Vaseline without the 'v' - "Ass-uh-leen"/"Ass-leen" (the middle syllable would be kind of skimmed over). Maybe best left alone for obvious reasons!
If I didn't speak French, I don't know what I'd make of it if I saw it written down - a-sell-een? a-sell-ine? ass-e-leen? etc. etc. And none of them would seem quite right, if you know what I mean. I don't think it works that well in English, basically.
Do you like Josceline, or Aline? They're French-sounding names that seem kind of similar.
P.S. If it means 'noble', I'm guessing it might be related to the "Alice" family of names, which includes Alice, Adeline (Add-uh-leen) and Alix (sounds like Alex) in French. I haven't heard of Aceline so it must be a rare one!