I've loved the name Leilani for a long time but I am afraid it would be very inappropriate to use the name since I'm not Hawaiian. Would it be ok to use Leilani as a middle name or would that still be on the tacky side?
Leilani is a lovely name (love the meaning, too), and I think you should use it, even if you're not Hawaiian. Because you're American, it really doesn't matter, but if you were not, you probably shouldn't use it unless you had some sort of connexion to Hawaii.
Scottish all the way!
*Proud Mum of*
Chloe Elise-born August 17, 2004
Scottish all the way!
*Proud Mum of*
Chloe Elise-born August 17, 2004
I think if you really love it and always have, then use it. If you're worried about using it because you're not Hawaiian, then use it for a mn.
The only thing that really bothers me is that this is the Hawaiian name that people seem to like. If it was a unique one that you liked the sound of I would appreciate that more, but this is becoming pretty trendy. I find that aspect unappealing but not the name itself.


I think Leilani is a beautiful name. And I don't see why it would be tacky to use Leilani as mn or even as fn. There are a lot of names from other cultures and languages, which are popular in USA.
So many people use surnames (which are not family names) as fn. I find this more tacky than using a beautiful name from another culture.
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
So many people use surnames (which are not family names) as fn. I find this more tacky than using a beautiful name from another culture.
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
No, it's fine. Especially as a middle name. It's a very pretty name! I also like it as a first name, maybe with the nn Leila (LAY-lah).
I believe you should use it as a first name if you love it. I really like Hawaiian names too, and I am not Hawaiian and I would use the names anyway.
My Babies !!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, and Guinevere
My Babies !!!!!: Morgaine, Arthur, Vivianne, Lancelot, and Guinevere
It wouldn't be tacky at all, but it might be easier to explain the name to curious people if you had some sort of personal connection with Hawai'i.
This message was edited 9/17/2005, 2:53 PM
I don't think it's tacky. It is a pretty name but I would only like it as a middle...but if you like it enough for a first, then use it.
My real first name is French, but I am not of French ancestry. My parents liked the name and decided to use it, though, and it flows very well with my Irish surname. It really depends a lot more on what your last name is than the ethnicity of your name. Say your daughter's name to yourself and see how well it flows.
If you like it, go for it. I think Leilani is a beautiful name.
If you like it, go for it. I think Leilani is a beautiful name.
I LOVE this name! So cute! No, I don't think it would be inappropriate. You should use it if you like it!
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Malachi Rune/Charlotte Niamh or Cerys Nimue?
Mommy to Cassandra Morgan (2003)
Preggie with baby #2.
Malachi Rune/Charlotte Niamh or Cerys Nimue?
I love hawaiian names and I'm not hawaiian. I intend on using Malia as a frist name for a daughter, if I have 1. I don't think its tacky at all
If you like the name then use it. There is nothing wrong with using a name from other places even if they are not anywhere near being a part of your ancestry. I'm not from Britian but I'm still going to use celtic names for my kids simply because I like them. Go for it! Leilani is a pretty name.
~ Aria ~
~ Aria ~
I don't care for the name, but I think it would be ok as a middle name.