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New Twins!
I am a first time aunt to twins, born 1/26/08.Dallas Christian (m)
Cheyanne LeeWDYTO the names? I am not crazy about the names, but head over heals about the babies.If I had twins right now, I'd name them:Ainsley Dannica
Hayden Elias. WDYT?
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Congratulations! I am sure the babies are just lovely, but I can't say I care for their names. Dallas and Cheyanne seem pretty matchy to me and I don't really like place name names anyway. Christian and Lee are just okay for me, but it's nice that they're carrying on a family name.As for your names, I think Hayden is getting awfully trendy. Dannica is alright - I used to like it a lot more when I was younger. Elias is a favourite of mine though, and I've got a soft spot for Ainsley because it's acutally my wonderfully masculine-surnamey name. Ordinarily, I would be on the "that's a boys' name or a last name" bandwagon, but this is one exception ;) The name has been reasonably good to me, so I think it's a fine choice!
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Not crazy about the names either. Christian is nice as a MN. Lee is so filler for a girl. I don't like either FN. Maybe she can go by Anne/Annie at least.Dannica looks misspelled to me. Hayden is very trendy, and I don't care for the -aden names. Elias is a great name, though. Ainsley sounds pretentious and masculine, though.
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Lee is a family middle name. It is my mom's, dad's, sister's and my middle name, so she wanted to carry that on. :)
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Congrats! I love Dallas. It's a GP of mine. Dallas Christian is nice. I'm not wild about Cheyenne (especially the meaning).
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Dallas Christian - prefer this on a girl
Cheyanne - prefer it spelled Cheyenne and on a boy
Ainsley Dannica - Ainsley is boy to me, but the combo is nice.
Hayden Elias - I prefer Hayden on a girl but I don't mind it on a boy this combo is great.
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Dallas has been growing on me and Christian is okay, so thumbs up for the boy.
The girl's name is horrible though, misspelled and to me Lee is for boys and Leigh is for girls.Yours...
Ainsley too has been growing on me, it's okay. Hayden I do like but on a girl.
Both the mn's I can do with out.Congrats though!
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Congratulations! I'm not too fond of any of the combos but I love the name Christian for a boy. I'm glad they're not themey though. Enjoy the little ones! :)
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I caught a slight theme...Both place names.
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One is a misspelled place name, though
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I caught it tooRight after I posted.
Very southern-y too.
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Congrats! I'm not crazy over the names either, but they're decent. At first I wasn't sure what the genders were though, because both combos seem very unisex (Yes, sadly Dallas has been used for girls).Out of your combos, I like Ainsley, it's in my top 10 at the moment. Hayden used to be my favorite boy name, but now I dislike it.
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