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Watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding last night. Toula is the main character. Full name Fortoula. I thought the nn Toula had a really beautiful sound. Not so big on Fortoula.WDYT?
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Well...I like Toula as a nickname. The name is supposed to be Fotoula, which is in itself a diminutive form of the name, Photine. Fortoula/Phortoula isn't an actual name or diminutive form, yet Nia Vardalos clearly seems to put an R in it when she says it in the movie. That puzzles me a bit, but I have Greeks and research to back me up on the Photine thing. :-)
[Edit: added a bit more]

This message was edited 2/12/2008, 2:27 AM

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Just makes me think too much of the word "tool" which has some not-so-great connotations. :-/
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I don't like Fortoula. Toula has a cute sound to it. It reminds me of Tallulah which is cute. Toula would make a cute nn for Tallulah.
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I'll always associate it with my sister's dog (it's her name) but it's really pretty otherwise. I like the Fortoula - it reminds me of Fortuna, but nicer.
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