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Random BA's + Parker
I'm loving Parker nn Park on a girl at the moment any middle names that would work well? Something feminine but not overused.
Addison Bliss
Aidyn Joy
Aspen Grace
Chase Carrington
Ezri Michelle
Jessie Kaye
Macyn Violet
Mahogany Love
Precious Angel
Presly Jai
Grayson Ridge
Konnley Dustin

This message was edited 1/16/2008, 6:51 PM

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Addison Bliss - i have a niece named Addison....but I'm loving the MN Bliss. Very cute.
Aspen Grace - Aspen has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. And although Grace is used alot....i love the sound of it with Aspen. Good choice. Grayson Ridge is super cute.
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I just can't picture Parker on a girl..could be that my little brother is Parker. His name is Parker Cole btw.Aspen Grace is the only girl name I liked.I'm absolutely loving Grayson Ridge! but since my last name is Aldridge I don't guess that would work. =)
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Well from my perspective, my brother's name is Parker so it's a boy's name to me. I can see it on a girl though, and I think it's cute. We call my brother Park, not as a general nickname, like Nick for Nicholas or something. It's not like he'd write "Park" on his papers at school. I'm not sure about it on a girl, but I am biased!I like:
Ezri! Ooh, I like this. Ezra is a favorite.
Grayson Ridge
Cayenne - Isn't this a type of pepper??
Chase Carrington - Sounds too guyish
Ezri Michelle - I dislike Michelle.
Goldie - Is this a female person or female dog???
Manleigh - MANLEIGH? For a GIRL?
Polaris - Doesn't this have to do with cameras??
Presly Jai - I actually really like Presley, but not Presly.
Yoda - STAR WARS! Eww!
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Yoda and Manleigh??Clearly someone was a big Star Wars fan! And I guess someone else feared that their child wouldn't be confident enough in their masculinity. Oh, wait... that's a girl. o.OParker is cute but nms. Maybe Parker Jane?
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