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Re: Rank the Favorites
1. Violet (really like these 3)
2. Vivien
3. Lavender
4. Katherine (like but find slightly boring--these 3)
5. Madeline (Actually, I know sisters named Katherine and Madeline. No nicknames either. They're about 14 and 12 now, I guess.)
6. Lily
7. Jane (I should like it more, I guess, but I still find it boring)
8. Bridget (straight up ugly. It would be refreshing tho)
Lisbet and Elsie are way too nicknamey for me to even consider on this kind of list. They're both cute for Elisabeth though.BOYS:
1. Frederick (Love love love foreverandalways)
2. Luke (very handsome but slightly boring--next 3)
3. Alexander
4. James
5. Viktor (neat--these 2)
6. Seamus
7. Morgan (rising)
8. Jude (falling)
9. Oliver (rising)
10. Kyle (one of the worst names ever, imo.)Girls I like 1-6 and boys I like 1-8.
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