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Re: Rachel
I really dislike the English prononciation. I think the French is ok (rah-shell). My favorite is the Hebrew one (rah-khel).
My third name is Rahel (original Hebrew form). :)I also really, really dislike Rachael. It looks boyish (a la Michael, Raphael...) and is just weird.combos I heard of:
Chaya Rachel (khah-yah)
Rolinda Rachel
Rachel Rivka
Roza Rachel
Rachel Hudes (hoo-des)
Channah Rachel (khah-nah)
Hannah Rachel
Rachel Lea (leh-ah)
Golda Rachel
Tamar Rachel Esther (tah-mahr, es-ter)
Rachel Julia
Nachala Rachel (nah-khah-lah)
Sarah Rachel (sah-rah)
Sheina Rachel (shy-nah) (form of Shayna)
Beila Rachel Sarah (bye-lah) (Yiddish form of Bella)
Rachel Miriam
Lea Rachel
Rachel Michal (mee-khahl)
Rachel Leya (Yiddish form of Lea, lay-ah)
Ortilla Rachel
Rachel Belle (bel)
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