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Re: Peggy
I really think nn's are open choice - as long as the child doesn't hate it, then it doesn't matter. You could use Dancer as a nn for Margaret for all I care. It's not the legal name, so it's just for fun. I personally don't like Peggy, because I don't generally like p and g sounds, and it's too much like the word "peg", which has connotations of limitations. (as slang, "to peg someone" means to classify or fix, and there's the phrase "to take someone down a peg")I don't think Teddy and Peggy are too close, after all they're just nn's and probably wouldn't be used all the time by everyone.
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One thing that worries me about the nickname Peggy is that people will shorten it even further to Peg, which has various connotations. But I can look on the bright side and think of the song my grandmother loves so much, 'Peg O'My Heart'. :)
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