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Just to clarify (m)
What I meant by your being 'so far along' being rare was that you said you were due on Nov. 9, meaning, basically you are 39 weeks pregnant right now. Do you have any idea that it is rather rare for a woman to carry twins to term? It's five to six times more likely for a mom carrying twins to go into preterm labor, and most twins (I don't have the stats on me, sorry) are born before 37 weeks. I'm a NICU nurse, and we have had A LOT of multiples come through over the years. By your "tone", I'm just agreeing with what other posters have said--you sound very young (plus your mention of school earlier). Like 13 or 14 years old. And you could still be pregnant at that ge, and even have a husband, but it's just much less likely. We've had quite a few 'imposters' here before, so some of us a little wary. But I guess it doesn't really matter. Usually when I suspect someone is lying, I don't bother to take the time to suggest names for them. That's just me. In the big scheme of things, I guess it doesn't really matter, but I just value honesty.
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I go to college with a girl name Nealey. You're right it IS rare for me to be so late but there ARE still six days so I amy not have them on November 9. I'm sorry you think I'm lying but I'm not. And when I have the twins I'll tell you so you won't be wary anymore okay? Do you really think I'd be pregant and have a husband at 13 or 14 years old?
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no,...I don't think you are pregnant and have a husband at 13 or 14. I don't think you are pregnant at all, and I would bet the truck you don't have any husband. I would bet you are 13 or 14 or thereabouts, but that's it.We have had tons of silly little girls come on here and pretend to be having babies, and twins are popular as well. I don't know why, but when girls want to be play pregnant, they like to be pregnant with twins.Yeah, I'm sure you'll tell us all about your twins, but it damn sure won't make your doubters "less wary." If anything it will make us more so.I don't know why you want to do this. This is not a site only for parents or parents-to-be. Anybody who's interested in names is welcome on any of the boards. You don't need to make up a dramatic story to fit in, all you're doing is hurting your credibility and making yourself disliked. And if you keep it up you may find yourself banned from the site.
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I wholeheartedly agreeI mean, sure, you might (MIGHT) be pregnant with twins, but I, too find that highly unlikely. Your posts do seem like they were written by a young teen. There's just this whole "teen essense" that tends to rub off on anything. And I'm 16, so I'm not saying I don't have that "teen essense" either. I'm just hoping that it isn't as prominent as in this case. If you wish to share names with us or talk about names, there's not need to pretend to be pregnant. I never bothered and I fit in fine lol. Everybody here knows that I'm not pregnant, and they couldn't care less.
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Swaering won't help your case any Sweetheart. I can't help it if some of the other people on this site (yourself included) don't like me. Some people don't like me and I'm not finding myself fond of half of you right now.
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I may have used the word damn...But I don't consider that to be swearing. And even if I did, it's a lot better than telling lame lies.When I get around to swearing, you won't have any doubts.
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Good for you...ever heard of church? Tomorrow's Sunday and I suggest you go.
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Thou shalt not lie. Ever heard of that?

This message was edited 11/3/2007, 8:21 PM

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that tears itI am not having some piss-ant kid who thinks she's a Christian get up on her high horse and start telling me, a grown woman, to go to church. IT just ain't gonna happen, sister. I If you actually do go to church, you might want to study up on the commandment about not bearing false witness, since that's what you've been doing this whole thread, and that's what has gotten you in trouble first.Now good-bye. And yes, I did swear at you, and if you think I'm going to lose one minute's sleep over it, you can think again.
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I'll pray for you. I'm sorry you all thik I'm lying and no I'm sure you won't lose any sleep over the swearing but now I'm gone.
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Ever hear of other religions?I don't know what religion Roxstar is, but it might not be Christian.
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that's right, I'm notAnd if I ever suddenly decide to become one, you can be sure it won't be because of anything posted ona message board by a moron who is a suspected liar and not a very good one at that.
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What religion other than Atheist uses words like that?Hmmm?
Enlighten me on this.
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What the hell do you have against atheists? Think we're big, bad Satanists or something?And my mum's pastor said damn - you know, damned to hell? So cool it, kiddo. It's a word, just like any other. Geesh.
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There's nothing wrong with being an Atheist. I'm a Christian, but I 1) don't mind at all what religion other people are and 2) sprinkle the word "damn" where necessary. It's not that uncommon of a word, to be honest.
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Enlgish-speaking people of all religions might use it...And it appears in your bible too, if you've read it.
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Yes. It is. And you (as in Logan, not you Rox), being a good Christian and all, will be damned if you haven't read your bible!Note how I cleverly added the word 'damn' in there.

This message was edited 11/3/2007, 7:26 PM

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I don't know... all of them?Not everyone is overly religious. Just about everyone I know, of various religions, excluding young children, has used the word damn. Actually, even overly religious people use it.
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Who are y'all talking about?
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Logan...You only can post under one name. Your immature, 12 (or whatever) year old self was just proved to be, well, 12 years old. We can, very very easily find out that you "Patricia" and "Logan" are the same person just by looking at our screens.
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Actually it's Sunday today where I am, and I've been to church, and I still don't think "damn" is really swearing. As RoxStar said, if someone starts swearing around here, you'll know about it.
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Look you of you. I AM 23 but I'm not going to stick around a sigght where people won't stop harping on you....I'm gone.
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What did this "Logan" person do?What did "Logan Glover" do? Did you make her/him leave?
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Okay, really, this is getting silly. You posted your full name. (Btw, not something most adults would do, it isn't safe) I googled you. Guess what I found? Nothing? No, I found a mention of you and what I can only assume is your mother or aunt- Patricia Underwood. It is against the rules to post under more than one name, and it just isn't polite to use someone elses real name. Did you keep your last name after you married? Or were you married in 2000 when you say you were 16?

Honestly, I wouldn't care much that you have lied if you would come clean. What I think bothers people the most, and certainly bothers me, is that this site, unlike so much of the internet, is a community of people who come to know and respect each other and expect a level of honesty from those who post here. Just one liar runs the trust that so many have worked to maintain.The first clue we have a troll is someone pregnant with twin girls. Its always twins. They're always girls. Add to it your defensive responses, the you hate me comments, and posting under a second name, and what else are we supposed to think?If you like it here, I'm sure you would be more than welcomed, provided it is the real you, and you treat those here with the respect they deserve.
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Completely Agree
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Please post under only one name. It is against the rules.
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let the door hit you...Where the good lord split you.
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Somehow I doubt this, but we will see folks! Oh, and by the way, I love how she cleverly spelt site as sigght. Very Kre8tif.
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"Like" you?We don't like or dislike you. We don't KNOW you. You're a stranger who has come along and lied on our board, an action of which we disapprove. Like or dislike doesn't come into it.And where was RoxStar swearing? I can't see any.
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She swore in her message titled "no..." I'm not saying she can't but I'd rather she didn't.I am not lying. If you don't like the fact I'm on the site I'll leave but only because I'm getting rather tired of this.
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you might not have much choiceAs to whether you go or stay. You're in danger of having your IP addreess (those numbers after your name) banned from the site so that you can't come back even if you change your name and e-mail address.
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We have no actual proofthat she's lying. She's not harrassing anyone either. She wouldn't be banned at this rate.
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I agree. She wouldn't be banned, just shunned by many of the users on the board.
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Look I'm sorry to all of you who think I'm lying and if you're not going to help me with names,leave me alone.
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Swearing . . .The only thing resembling a swear word in RoxStar's post is "damn". If you consider that a swear word worth getting up-in-arms about, then you really must be underage.
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Maybe I wasn't raised in a home where people swore every day.
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Neither was I, but I live in the real, ADULT world.
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Some reading for you,,midwife_7qf5,00.html
For the record, I personally like Ella & Vivian best.

This message was edited 11/3/2007, 6:19 PM

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You really DO think I'm lying don't you?
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Yes, we really do.

This message was edited 11/3/2007, 6:23 PM

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I'm sorry but I didn't get your response Chrisell. My computer didn't fully load it.
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Lol. There was no message inside. That's what 'nt' means . . .
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Ha, what finally clued her in?
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