Re: Random BA's [Long]
in reply to a message by Sabrina Fair
Adolph Deshaun: Oooh, not a very good idea. Flights of fFantasy, perhaps?
Algernon: Flower for? Actually, this name would be perfect for a support group for allergy sufferers. Or allergy medicine.
Atticus Jackson: For some strange reason, this combo reminds me of my husband's referring to AC/DC as acka-dacka.
Azaria Lovett: Yes, I know Azariah is a male name. However, the h is missing, and the mn gives it an even more feminine slant.
Blesson: I'll sneezon and you blesson.
FlenzyVon De'Shaun: Flense ZYvonne? As in, strip the blubber away? Yuck.
Holden Knox: Holding knocks.
Jeston James: Jestin' James, the kid who never cracks a smile.
Knight: Who turns out to be a scurrilous cad.
Little: It's like they didn't even bother to come up with a name for him, just stuck Little on him.
Lucky John: Not that this kid's much better off.
Memphis: Bad name anyway, but once you learn his dad's Elvis, it gets much worse.
QMarus Marquise-Eugene: Brought to us by the letter q.
Sacha Soussi: It's a great Japanese dish made of crab, green onions and ginger.
Marley Ryder: The only thing remotely in these parents' favor is they didn't name him Harley Ryder.
Hudson Creed: The creed of the people of Hudson Valley.
Gardner Holden: Gardner Holden Rake? Gardner Holden Cucumber?
Metellus Graye: I suppose they wanted to name him Metallic Gray but somebody talked them out of it. Not enough, though.
Odyn Oryon: THe odyr-eatyr.
Dakota Dimaond: SHE is the hottest saloon girl in Deadwood!
Cephas Meshak: I know some people whose last name is Cephas. It always sounded like an infection to me.
Rowan Walden: Last name Pond?
Berkeley Davis: Kid ends up going to UCLA.
Saphire Rose: The blue rose.
Bergen Sletten: They didn't want a girl at all. They added insult to injury by giving a mn (maybe not even a real name) that sounds like sluttin'.
Lillie Jaymes: I'm getting sick of seeing James misspelled, and even sicker of seeing it then stuck onto girls.
Analyn Summer: A bit too close to Anal Summer.
Astoria Traeh: The heart of the hotel. Or ecuse me, the letoh.
Daisy Izak: My god now they're f***ing with Isaac too.
Lily Lei: Lay Lady, Lay...
Clover Irving: Milk cow meets grumpy old guy.
August Rain: I suppose it's better than January Sleet.
Credence: This name lacks it.
Dynesty: Proving they don't even know what a dynasty is.
Lisbon: Mangled into Lesbian early on.
Mallic Morgan: Sounds like Morgan is malicious.
Megkayla: That's it. That does it. I don't want to hear another word about how awful the spelling Makayla is.
Santi Cruz: IT's not only two-thirds of the pun that smells.
Scripture: I'm calling CPS to be keeping a close eye on this family so they don't marry her off at age 5 or something.
Starrly: Every list I see makes me resent my own name less.
Algernon: Flower for? Actually, this name would be perfect for a support group for allergy sufferers. Or allergy medicine.
Atticus Jackson: For some strange reason, this combo reminds me of my husband's referring to AC/DC as acka-dacka.
Azaria Lovett: Yes, I know Azariah is a male name. However, the h is missing, and the mn gives it an even more feminine slant.
Blesson: I'll sneezon and you blesson.
FlenzyVon De'Shaun: Flense ZYvonne? As in, strip the blubber away? Yuck.
Holden Knox: Holding knocks.
Jeston James: Jestin' James, the kid who never cracks a smile.
Knight: Who turns out to be a scurrilous cad.
Little: It's like they didn't even bother to come up with a name for him, just stuck Little on him.
Lucky John: Not that this kid's much better off.
Memphis: Bad name anyway, but once you learn his dad's Elvis, it gets much worse.
QMarus Marquise-Eugene: Brought to us by the letter q.
Sacha Soussi: It's a great Japanese dish made of crab, green onions and ginger.
Marley Ryder: The only thing remotely in these parents' favor is they didn't name him Harley Ryder.
Hudson Creed: The creed of the people of Hudson Valley.
Gardner Holden: Gardner Holden Rake? Gardner Holden Cucumber?
Metellus Graye: I suppose they wanted to name him Metallic Gray but somebody talked them out of it. Not enough, though.
Odyn Oryon: THe odyr-eatyr.
Dakota Dimaond: SHE is the hottest saloon girl in Deadwood!
Cephas Meshak: I know some people whose last name is Cephas. It always sounded like an infection to me.
Rowan Walden: Last name Pond?
Berkeley Davis: Kid ends up going to UCLA.
Saphire Rose: The blue rose.
Bergen Sletten: They didn't want a girl at all. They added insult to injury by giving a mn (maybe not even a real name) that sounds like sluttin'.
Lillie Jaymes: I'm getting sick of seeing James misspelled, and even sicker of seeing it then stuck onto girls.
Analyn Summer: A bit too close to Anal Summer.
Astoria Traeh: The heart of the hotel. Or ecuse me, the letoh.
Daisy Izak: My god now they're f***ing with Isaac too.
Lily Lei: Lay Lady, Lay...
Clover Irving: Milk cow meets grumpy old guy.
August Rain: I suppose it's better than January Sleet.
Credence: This name lacks it.
Dynesty: Proving they don't even know what a dynasty is.
Lisbon: Mangled into Lesbian early on.
Mallic Morgan: Sounds like Morgan is malicious.
Megkayla: That's it. That does it. I don't want to hear another word about how awful the spelling Makayla is.
Santi Cruz: IT's not only two-thirds of the pun that smells.
Scripture: I'm calling CPS to be keeping a close eye on this family so they don't marry her off at age 5 or something.
Starrly: Every list I see makes me resent my own name less.