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Re: Unusual Names BA's
I like:Brooklyn
Devan Rachel- prefer Devyn
Hunter Lyn Madison
Jade Kate- Jada Catherine would had been pretty
Paris- male only
Poppy- for a nn
Peaches- saa
Presley Claire
Austin Dakota- a little too place namey, though
Cree Dakota
Emery- YAY! Emery on a boy!
Hayden Addison- YAY! Hayden and Addison are on a boy!
Houston Jaedan- prefer Jayden
Pippin- prefer Pipin and as a nn for a girl
ThorComments:Ellis Marie- the Elle part dosen't make this name feminine.
Emerson Lily- Emerson is a surname, surnames don't make great girl names.
Memorie- Memory, it's what you use to remember how to spell
Mersi- Mercy. Memorie and Mersi will become best friends as they learn to spell their names.
Miracle Kaye- sounds like a drug, like Miracle Cream
Moon Child- how cruel can parents be?
Mystery Hope- she's a hopeful mystery
Starlight & Sunshine [twins]- child abuse
Starshine- and the tripletBlueberry- for a boy? For any child?
Rocky Paul- this name just rubs me the wrong way. You have a nice traditional mn, and then Rocky. It just dosen't work.
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