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Re: Unusual Names BA's
Adream - come true
Ariel Angelic - until she becomes the opposite of
Autumn Rayne - refreshing!
Blessing - in wait that would be Judy
Brooklyn Dawn - when the sun rises over the Brooklyn Bridge...
Emerson Lily - what do you get when you cross a hard black substance with a white flower?
English Ann - got her name because, well, she speaks such darn good English!
Fall - and her brother Trip
February Sky - dark, cloudy, depressing
Flower - the skunk from Bambi
Genesis Marie - the first Marie
Heavyn - DJ Heavy N
Hunter-Lyn Madison - adding the Lyn makes it feminine don't you know
Jade Kate - I told you I didn't want a name that could shortened! Quit calling her JK!
Liberty Bella - seems more like something you would name your boat
Love - I guess she signs her letters Love, Love
Lyric A. - actually, I think I will go with Lyric B. It fits the rest of the song better
Melody Joy - until she hits a bad note
Memorie - I forgot how to spell it
Mersi Elizabeth - merci? de rien.
Miracle Kaye - a new ointment cream
Moon Child - changes her name to Sun Adult
Mystery Hope - We have hope but we don't know where it came from.
Patience - as I scream your name and tell you to get yourself over here right now before my eyes pop out of my head
Precious Kyla - unlike her unprecious siblings
Raisin - a wrinkled grape
Raven Dawn - black bird morning
Sapphire Margery - blue pearl
Serinity Leanna - she will have none because she will have to be constantly spelling her name
Sigourney Emmaleth - what smooshed up names is this?
Star Gazer - are they hoping she'll be a daydreamer or an astrophysicist?
Starlight & Sunshine [twins] - one was born in the evening and the other waited for her grand appearance
Starshine - Good morning...
Starr - Lost Boys comes to mind
Summer Angel Aphrodite - does she get the pole on her first birthday or does she have to wait until her sweet sixteen?
Sunshine - always pouty
Trelynn Maries - because having more than one Marie is very important
Willow - great movie
Zaryn Ryann-Amara - brought you by the letters y and a...and r... and n...BOYS
Blueberry - pie? muffin? please don't tease me about my name?
Boston Farrell - I've been sick all week. Yeah, I caught the Boston Farrell.
Caidence Jai - If I sneak the i in no one will know I really wanted a girl named Cadence
Chance - we took and look what happened
Cree Dakota - I love my...I mean someone else's...ancestory
Dakota Kai - sounds like a dojo from The Karate Kid
Destiny Ray - pinpoint accuracy
Emery Chester - always got pushed down in the sandbox
Fate Garren - yes, but does he believe in it?
Hayden Addison - I thought this was a girls name
Houston Jaedan - sounds like a list of names
Joaquin Orien - he's joaquin, yes, indeed he's joaquin...
Lane Allen - look on the bright side: he only has to learn four letters
Madison James - I love my Presidents!
Montana K. - not so interesting when translated: Mountain K (to your left and Mountain L to your right)
Neo Alexander - the new defender of mankind!
Pippin - hopes there's a Merry in his class
Rhythm - always picked first as a dance partner
Rocky Paul - not as stable as Smooth Paul
Roux Jonathon - a mixture of wheat flour and fat that God has given
Sage Colton - I always knew Colton was wise
Sterling Ray - look away or he will blind you
Thor - God of Thunder and a terror in Kindergarten

This message was edited 10/5/2007, 7:29 PM

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