Random BA's Part 1 [long]
Well, they really aren't BA's, but memorials to babies who have passed. I thought some names were interesing so I shared, some babies are from BA's I just added them to the list. The ones marked * are from BA's, the rest are in memoriam:
Amber Skye
Angel Lily
Angel Kaleah
Aria Leigh *
Ariel Brianna
Aubrie Nevaeh *
Aubrey Lynn and Audrey Jean [twins]*
Autem Lilith-Rose
Autumn Violet
Avea Lovely Anita
Avery Addison
Brooklynn Hope *
Catalina Janet
Chaise Mikayla
Cera Renae
Cherry Ann Angel
Coral Mattea *
Destiney Faith Hope
Elvira Jovita
Evangeline Violet
Faith Ann
Faith Rose *
Grace Harmony
Harper Grace
Hayden Lindjhem
Irelynd Faye
Grace Harmony
Isis Aliyah
Jesse Marie
Journei Kay-Marie *
Keiran Desiree Reia Dakotah
Koeul Storm
Liberty Ann Justice *
Lily Amber
Michiko Rose
Novalee November Page *
Quinn Ann
Ryen Madeleine
Sabrinah Bailey
Sage Marie
Sage Rose
Saylor Ann
Sedonna Elaine
Shay Olivia
Star and Sky [twins]
Summer Rayne
Trinity June
Trinity Lee
Trinity Morrigan
Troi Erin
Tru Lynn
Tyrannie Lizzette Leyva
Viola Rose
Addis Lyle *
Ambrose Maybury
Apostolos A.
Avery Glen
Cassidy Vannak *
Christopher Robin *
Dallas Glen
Free Spirit
Griffin John
Harley Michael D'Argenio
Jensen Leigh
Joel Wren
Lawren Manuel
McKade Joseph
River Christian
Robert Beckem *
Rohan Taylor-Dawson
Soren Dennehy
Sprout Morgan
Sterling Jeremy Thomas *
Taw Porter
Trooper Gage *
Turtle *
Amber Skye
Angel Lily
Angel Kaleah
Aria Leigh *
Ariel Brianna
Aubrie Nevaeh *
Aubrey Lynn and Audrey Jean [twins]*
Autem Lilith-Rose
Autumn Violet
Avea Lovely Anita
Avery Addison
Brooklynn Hope *
Catalina Janet
Chaise Mikayla
Cera Renae
Cherry Ann Angel
Coral Mattea *
Destiney Faith Hope
Elvira Jovita
Evangeline Violet
Faith Ann
Faith Rose *
Grace Harmony
Harper Grace
Hayden Lindjhem
Irelynd Faye
Grace Harmony
Isis Aliyah
Jesse Marie
Journei Kay-Marie *
Keiran Desiree Reia Dakotah
Koeul Storm
Liberty Ann Justice *
Lily Amber
Michiko Rose
Novalee November Page *
Quinn Ann
Ryen Madeleine
Sabrinah Bailey
Sage Marie
Sage Rose
Saylor Ann
Sedonna Elaine
Shay Olivia
Star and Sky [twins]
Summer Rayne
Trinity June
Trinity Lee
Trinity Morrigan
Troi Erin
Tru Lynn
Tyrannie Lizzette Leyva
Viola Rose
Addis Lyle *
Ambrose Maybury
Apostolos A.
Avery Glen
Cassidy Vannak *
Christopher Robin *
Dallas Glen
Free Spirit
Griffin John
Harley Michael D'Argenio
Jensen Leigh
Joel Wren
Lawren Manuel
McKade Joseph
River Christian
Robert Beckem *
Rohan Taylor-Dawson
Soren Dennehy
Sprout Morgan
Sterling Jeremy Thomas *
Taw Porter
Trooper Gage *
Turtle *
Amber Skye: Sounds like a bit of a confusion of "Amber waves of grain" and "beautiful for spacious skies."
Angel Lily: Is she named for the flowers at her funeral?
Audrey and Aubrey: Can you get any more twinsy than that?
Autem Lilith-Rose: Misspelled word-bname: check. Gothy-cutesy hyphenated combo: check.
Avea Lovely ANita: Avea reminds me of Avia sneakers. "Guys, put your hands together for Lovely ANita! Keep those dollars working!"
Brooklynn Hope I guess Chicago Hope wasn't quite original enough.
Chaise Mikayla: Chaise her all around the room till she falls on the Chaise Longue.
Cherry ANn Angel: Is she one of Strawberry Shortcake's friends?
Destiney Faith Hope: Sounds desperate, doesn't it?
Elvira Jovita: Born 1880, Dotpatch, Arkansas. (Yes, there really is a Dogpatch.)
Grace Harmony: Guaranteed to help you learn to play Hawaiian guitar like an expert in just 30 days or your money back!
Hayden Lindjhem: Looks like that mn was a mistake on the typewriter.
Kerian Desiree Reia Dakotah: Did she die of an overdose of vowels?
Koeul Storm: COld storm? Coal storm?
Liberty Ann Justice: Last name Forall.
Michiko Rose: I hope she actually is of Japanese descent.
Novalee November Page: Nova Nova.
Quinn Ann: Quinine.
Sedonna Elaine: Sit on Elaine?
Star and Sky: gag.
Summer Rayne: This is getting old.
Troi Erin: Star Trek fans give me a pain.
Tru Lynn: What, not Tru Leigh?
Tyrannie Lizette Leyva: Better to die young than to live with a cutesy spelling of tyranny. I mean it. Seriously, what is so nice about Tyranny? Obviously these parents do not know what the word means, if they did they surely wouldn't think it was nice to use for a name.
Ambrose Maybury: Born 1903.
Apostolos: I will assume he is/was of Greek descent.
Christopher Robin: There is only one association with this name, and that's Winnie the Pooh.
Free Spirit: Rolls eyes.
Jensen Leigh: Seems creepily soap-opera-vixenish.
Lawren Manuel: Spelling it Lawren does not make Lauren more masculine.
Sprout Morgan: Sprout?! That is so freaking ugly.
Taw Porter: Taw: noun: old-fashioned term for a big shooter marble.
Trooper Gage: Like guns much?
Turtle: That'll age real well. "Dr. Turtle Heffelfinger, Chair of Neurology at Brooklyn Hope Hospital."
Angel Lily: Is she named for the flowers at her funeral?
Audrey and Aubrey: Can you get any more twinsy than that?
Autem Lilith-Rose: Misspelled word-bname: check. Gothy-cutesy hyphenated combo: check.
Avea Lovely ANita: Avea reminds me of Avia sneakers. "Guys, put your hands together for Lovely ANita! Keep those dollars working!"
Brooklynn Hope I guess Chicago Hope wasn't quite original enough.
Chaise Mikayla: Chaise her all around the room till she falls on the Chaise Longue.
Cherry ANn Angel: Is she one of Strawberry Shortcake's friends?
Destiney Faith Hope: Sounds desperate, doesn't it?
Elvira Jovita: Born 1880, Dotpatch, Arkansas. (Yes, there really is a Dogpatch.)
Grace Harmony: Guaranteed to help you learn to play Hawaiian guitar like an expert in just 30 days or your money back!
Hayden Lindjhem: Looks like that mn was a mistake on the typewriter.
Kerian Desiree Reia Dakotah: Did she die of an overdose of vowels?
Koeul Storm: COld storm? Coal storm?
Liberty Ann Justice: Last name Forall.
Michiko Rose: I hope she actually is of Japanese descent.
Novalee November Page: Nova Nova.
Quinn Ann: Quinine.
Sedonna Elaine: Sit on Elaine?
Star and Sky: gag.
Summer Rayne: This is getting old.
Troi Erin: Star Trek fans give me a pain.
Tru Lynn: What, not Tru Leigh?
Tyrannie Lizette Leyva: Better to die young than to live with a cutesy spelling of tyranny. I mean it. Seriously, what is so nice about Tyranny? Obviously these parents do not know what the word means, if they did they surely wouldn't think it was nice to use for a name.
Ambrose Maybury: Born 1903.
Apostolos: I will assume he is/was of Greek descent.
Christopher Robin: There is only one association with this name, and that's Winnie the Pooh.
Free Spirit: Rolls eyes.
Jensen Leigh: Seems creepily soap-opera-vixenish.
Lawren Manuel: Spelling it Lawren does not make Lauren more masculine.
Sprout Morgan: Sprout?! That is so freaking ugly.
Taw Porter: Taw: noun: old-fashioned term for a big shooter marble.
Trooper Gage: Like guns much?
Turtle: That'll age real well. "Dr. Turtle Heffelfinger, Chair of Neurology at Brooklyn Hope Hospital."
I like:
Audrey Jean
Catalina Janet
Coral Mattea
Evangeline Violet
Viola Rose
Jeremy Thomas
Audrey Jean
Catalina Janet
Coral Mattea
Evangeline Violet
Viola Rose
Jeremy Thomas
I'd Use
Ariel - Arielle, g
Audrey - b
Autumn - g, maybe
Addison - b
Brooklynn - Brooklyn, g
Journei - Journey , b
Storm - b/g
Liberty - b/g
November - g, maybe
Page - Paige, g
Sabrinah - Sabrina
Bailey - b/g, maybe
Sage - b
Saylor - Sailor, b
Ann - Anne
Star - g
Sky - b/g
Rayne - Rain, b/g
Trinity - b
Avery - b
Cassidy - b, maybe
Michael - b
Joel - b
Wren - b/g, maybe
River - b/g
Christian - g
Beckem - Beckham, b
Morgan - b
Sterling - g
Ariel - Arielle, g
Audrey - b
Autumn - g, maybe
Addison - b
Brooklynn - Brooklyn, g
Journei - Journey , b
Storm - b/g
Liberty - b/g
November - g, maybe
Page - Paige, g
Sabrinah - Sabrina
Bailey - b/g, maybe
Sage - b
Saylor - Sailor, b
Ann - Anne
Star - g
Sky - b/g
Rayne - Rain, b/g
Trinity - b
Avery - b
Cassidy - b, maybe
Michael - b
Joel - b
Wren - b/g, maybe
River - b/g
Christian - g
Beckem - Beckham, b
Morgan - b
Sterling - g