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What do you think of the name Jedidiah? I quite like it. Can you think of any good middle names for it in the same style as David or Joel? Or do you think Jedidiah David or Jedidiah Alan sounds good?Thanks in advance!
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Thanks for all your comments and great suggestions!
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I really don't like it. It has a Children of the Corn, frightening Bible-thumper-ish sound to it. Like the doomsday and hellfire kind of Bible thumping.
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I like Jedidiah especially with the nn Jed!
I think that Jedidiah David and Jedidiah Alan both sound lovely!
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I completely love Jedidiah! It flows back and forth with Benedict as my #1 / #2 name. I think I like Jedidiah David a touch more than Jedidiah Alan (for the echoed D's and I's, but then, I'm biased; glance at my sig ;-)). [And ETA I like the nn Jedi as much as the nn Jed! But I'm a geek.] When you say "in the same style as" David and Joel, I get a Biblical feeling. What about...Jedidiah Adam
Jedidiah Andrew
Jedidiah Asher
Jedidiah Bartholomew (he'd be a helluva speller)
Jedidiah Benedict (one of my all-time favorite combos)
Jedidiah Benjamin
Jedidiah Daniel
Jedidiah Dathan
Jedidiah Elijah
Jedidiah Emmanuel
Jedidiah Ephraim
Jedidiah Ethan (always a popular choice)
Jedidiah Ezekiel (love this, he could be Jed or Zeke)
Jedidiah Gabriel
Jedidiah Gideon (I have a personal attachment to this, natch ;D)
Jedidiah Hiram

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This message was edited 10/4/2007, 9:00 PM

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I like nn Jedi, too. I loved Quigonjecca's fictional twins in the post below, Jedidiah nn Jedi and Obadiah nn Obi-Wan. I thought that was cool! =) There's so many great combos here. I like/love*Jedidiah Adam
Jedidiah Andrew
Jedidiah Benedict* (Awesome! I can't believe I didn't come up with this one!)
Jedidiah Benjamin
Jedidiah Emmanuel
Jedidiah Ephraim*
Jedidiah Ethan
Jedidiah Gabriel*
Jedidiah Gideon*
Jedidiah James - I was going to say this, too, but thought it wouldn't go down well with the JJ initials.
Jedidiah Jericho - You're right, this is hot!
Jedidiah Levi
Jedidiah Matthias*
Jedidiah Phineas*
Jedidiah Samson
Jedidiah Silas
Jedidiah Thaddeus*
Jedidiah Falcon*
Jedidiah Forrest
Jedidiah Jasper*
Jedidiah Orion*
Jedidiah Phoenix*
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I really like Jedidah David. Once, in a fictional game, I had fictional twins named Jedidiah and Obidiah. I called them Jedi and Obi-Wan!Anyway... Jedidiah Saul, Jedidiah Samuel? I don't know...
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Ooh, nns Jedi and Obi-Wan are so cool! I probably wouldn't be brave enough to use them in real life but they make awesome fictional twin names! =DI really like the verse in your sig, btw.
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I like Jedidiah David!Jedidiah Samuel?
Jedidiah Alexander?

This message was edited 10/4/2007, 10:35 AM

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Jedidiah Samuel is nice. Thanks for responding!
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I love Jedidiah (with nn Jed) and its in my top 5, too. I saw Jedidiah Amos on your profile and I really like it. I can never seem to find the right mn for Jedidiah either but here's a few suggestions:Jedidiah Abram
Jedidiah Asa
Jedidiah Caius
Jedidiah Caleb
Jedidiah Charles
Jedidiah Claude
Jedidiah Edmund (I kinda like the repetition of the ED here)
Jedidiah Ephraim
Jedidiah Esme
Jedidiah Felix
Jedidiah Gratian
Jedidiah Lawrence
Jedidiah Lucien
Jedidiah Moses
Jedidiah Quinn
Jedidiah Remiel
Jedidiah Scott
Jedidiah Seth
Jedidiah Sterling
Jedidiah Vaughn
Jedidiah Xavier
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I think we may have talked about this before, but I love Jedidiah nn Jed as much as you do, it's in my top 5 as well, and I love so many of your combos!Jedidiah Caius - had never thought of this; started to say it might be a tad too alliterative even for me, but who'm I kiddn? I'm not havin any more babies, so I'm free to like anything I please, and I love this!And I love all these too:Jedidiah Charles
Jedidiah Edmund
Jedidiah Felix
Jedidiah Lawrence
Jedidiah Lucien
Jedidiah Quinn
Jedidiah Scott - really really love this
Jedidiah Seth
Jedidiah Sterling
Jedidiah Vaughn
Jedidiah XavierYou rock, babe :-)
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Jedidiah probably too alliterative but then, I think that's actually what I like most about it. And thanks, I'm glad you liked those combos =)
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There are some nice suggestions here, my favorites being:Jedidiah Abram
Jedidiah Caleb
Jedidiah Lawrence
Jedidiah Moses
Jedidiah SethThanks!
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You're welcome! I'm glad you like them =)
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Yea, that's what I was worried about . . . the Ds.Anyway, thanks for your suggestions. My favorites are:Jedidiah Matthew
Jedidiah Robert
Jedidiah Mark
Jedidiah Keith
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