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Theda and Inez
WDYT? I've loved Ines / Inez for quite some time, but never thought of using it. Theda is a new love, but I adore it. It's less exotic than Thora and more approachable than Theodora.Combo ideas? Thoughts?
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I've adored Inez / Ines for years. While I prefer the Ines spelling, I think the Inez spelling is more user-friendly, at least here in the U.S. I pronounce it, "ee-NESS," or "ee-NEZ." I hate the "EYE-nez" pronunciation. It's the only drawback to the name for me.Theda is quirky for me, since I immediately think of silent movie vamp Theda Bara (an anagram of "Arab death.") But since I love silent films and flapper names like Theda, Zelda and Velma, I give the thumbs up. It would make a cute nn for Theodora, but I think it could stand on its own too. I pronounce it "THEE-da."Both Inez and Theda have an exotic quality, but are not so "out there" as to be unusable. Great finds.
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Inez was my maternal g-ma's name, and I love it as a MN. It's too bad Evangelyn Inez doesn't flow that well (I stumble over the -yn In-sounds). I have no idea how to pronounce Theda...thay-duh? thee-duh? theh-duh? Or is the TH prn like T (as in Thomas)?Since I know how to prn Theodora, I'd give her that longer name w/the NN Theda, myself. :o)Oh, and my g-ma's name was Inez Marie, which I think is lovely. Tesni Inez mightn't be bad, though, if the -i I- sounds don't bother you. ;o)
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Ever since my brother mistook Tesni for Testes...I've relegated the name for a cat. :-) Everyone else heard Testy.
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*snort* Brothers!MY brothers ruined Vittoria for me "Tit-oria, Tit-orgy, Zitoria." Yeah, classy. :o/
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I prefer Theda as a nickname for Theodora, but I do like seeing it well enough without. Well, not with exceptions--my liking of it hinges on how its pronounced, and the majority of the board seems to swing in the direction I don't like. I like Theodora and Theda said with T sounds, and my preference is strong enough that I'd rather not hear it at all than hear it with a Th. :-/ I'm starting to lean more toward Teodora and Teda, even though I don't necessarily prefer their look. I'm not big on Inez. I had a gerbil once named Inez, and while it makes a nice little pet name to me, it's not quite interesting enough for a human.
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I love Ines / Inez. Theda is ok, but I much prefer it as a nickname for Theodora.
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Ooh, Theda is very cool. (I would pronounce it TAY-da, but l like both pronounciations.) So pretty, and I agree, very approachable. (Though I love Theodora and would love to see a little Theodora nicknamed Theda as well.) I really like Ines and Inez, too. I think I prefer it with the "s". Theda Ines would actually sound really nice. Here's some other combos:Theda Marguerite
Theda Louise
Theda Adelheid
Theda Adelaide
Theda Agnise
Theda Mathilde
Theda Clothilde
Theda Elaine
Theda Helen
Theda Miriam
Theda Marion
Theda Clare
Theda Constantia
Theda Constance
Theda Margery
Theda Aloisa
Theda Magdalena
Theda CarolineInes Magdalena
Ines Luisa
Ines Adelita
Ines Antoinetta
Ines Brigida
Ines Carolina
Ines Clara
Ines Constantia / Constanza
Ines Benigna
Ines Petronella
Ines Petra
Ines Margareta
Ines Ottoline
Ines Odilia
Ines Helena
Ines Catalina
Ines Lucia
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Inez: Depends on the pronunciation. I love ee-NAYSS, but am not real fond of AI-nez. I also prefer it to be spelled Ines. Seems classier that way. :)
Theda: a bit meh for me. Kinda plain. I'd accept it as a nn for Theodora, which I just love.
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I really like Inez (prefer EYE-nez to EE-nez, etc.), but I prefer Thora and esp. Theodora to Theda. Is it THEE-dah or THAY-dah. Neither has a very attractive sound to me, and the first one sounds like someone from NYC saying "theater". :-/
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LOLTheodora is just too frilly/feminine to me, and Thora is too modern dramatic. Theda - THEE-dah - is 1920s glam to me. :-)I feel a bit guilty using the American pronunciation of Inez, even though I also prefer it. :-)
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