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Re: BAs from Grimsby, England
Tallulah Rosemary - hate both names
Sophie Elizabeth (Harvey) - like it
Grace Elizabeth - only like elizabeth
Evie Alyssa (Eleanor) - Love Alyssa, but Evie is nmsaaa..
Scarlett Alice (Ellie) - Love both
Erin Jay (Jay is mother's maiden name) - hate!
Aleisha Rose - cuteMarley Victor (Charlotte) - Hmm..It's ok
Reuban Mark Charles - noo!
Charlie Jack - Love both but not together.
Joseph Robert - love joseph
Jake Dominic - love dominic, hate jake
Jacob Bradley - notwins: Isabelle Grace and Alexander George (James, Olivia and Joseph) - a friend of mine who lives in england, her name is Isabelle, her boyfriends name is Alex and her little brothers name is Joseph. I think that was funny : I like Isabelle, Alexander, James, Olivia and Joseph
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