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some BAs
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I like:
Amelia Lily
Joss - as a nn, and for a boy
Maximilian James
ElijahThat's all, though.
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Alyssa Jadreanna - Alyssa is alright, but I have no idea what Jadreanna is supposed to be.
Bree Ireland - it would have been easier to honour their heritage with an actual Irish name, or Erin. Bree is nms
Reese Eden - Rhys is a boys name. Reese is Reese Wetherspoons middle name that derived from a family surname which she uses as a stage name, so now it seems ok for girls to use it. I don't really like Eden either.
Kennedy Jordan - I would rather not see this at all, but if it has to be done, its ALL BOY.
Sydney Grace - Its funny how Sydney used to be viewed as an old mans name, and all of a sudden its hip and trendy for little girls. Grace is so boring and predictable as a mn
Sydney Ann - as above, and same with Ann. (Though I love Anne as a fn)
Amelia Lily - a little boring, but fine.
Kayley Joss - Joss is cute on the right person as a nn, Kayley is nmsBoys:
Jacob Cody - nice but boring
Maximilian James - I really dislike Maximilian, its fine and all but it just makes me cringe. James is nice
Dylan Elijah - not fond of either
Joseph Robert - nice
Beau Giovanni - I sorta like Giovanni, never been a fan of Beau

A nice mix there!
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I like:Alyssa Jadreanna (prefer Jade Elise)
Bree (nn for Breanna or Breeony)
Jordan (mn)
Grace (nn for Gracelyn)
Amelia Lily (prefer Lilly Amelia)
Kayley (prefer Kayla)Jacob
James (mn)
Joseph (mn)
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