Re: Elisha + Random BA's
in reply to a message by Sabrina Fair
I know too many girls named Elisha (some pronounced eh-LEE-shah) for it to work as a boy's name for me. I know it was originally masculine, but it seems very feminine to me. Eli is a good nn, though.
Aspen Micah -- Dislike the flow
Austyn Joy -- tryndee spelling of Austin or Austen
Avalon Marie -- I like this. In case Avalon is too "strange," she has Marie as a fallback.
Avanlee Beth -- Avanlee? No.
Avril -- Nice
Azalia Patience -- Too much for me.
Berkley -- This is one of my guilty pleasure names.
Berlin -- Again, I dislike cities (almost always) as names.
Berlynn -- Ditto.
Briseus -- This screams masculine to me. And I don't like it.
Camber Ryan -- Too masculine.
Carson Jean -- Carson is too masculine, and Jean is all right.
Chai -- As in tea?
Chayse -- Lounge
Chenoa -- Sounds like a city in Italy
Crystal Melody -- She is going to grow up to be a stripper.
Dakota Alice -- I don't like them together
Dakota Paige -- Very nice
Dallas Marie -- I don't like Dallas, but Marie is nice
Dallas Ruby -- Dislike Ruby
Ebony -- Another guilty pleasure
Ember Luna -- NMS
Fenix -- Spell it Phoenix, or don't use it.
Fern -- NMS
Goldie -- ditto
Heart -- yecch.
Hope Trinity -- Trinity Hope flows better to me.
Infinity -- yecch.
Iris Evangeline -- I don't like Evangeline AT ALL.
Ivy Grace -- Nice, but Grace seems a bit filler to me.
Janey Russell -- Janey is only acceptable to me as a nickname, not as a given name. Russell is too masculine.
Kenyah -- Spell it Kenya.
Larkin Rose -- I don't like Larkin.
Laurel Renae -- Nice
Mahogany -- NO.
McKay -- I dislike almost all Mc- first names.
Melody Rose -- Better than Crystal Melody
Mercy -- Yecch.
Montana -- Having grown up here, I don't like it as a name.
Montana Nalani -- Ditto above, and Nalani is very weird.
Mystic -- NO.
Nevaeh Desire -- I'm choking on the saccharine sweetness over here.
Noa -- Not on a girl
Novalee -- NMSAA
Octavia -- Good to see this being used.
Onaya Star -- Dislike it
Paisley -- Guilty pleasure again.
Paisley Grace -- Grace is not my thing.
Paris -- Not after Hilton.
Rayne Irene -- I don't like them together, and I prefer it spelled Rain.
Romayne -- With brother Iceberg. Ladies and gents, it's the LETTUCE TWINS!
Ryann Stirling -- I really, really don't like this.
Sailor -- Shouldn't be used as a name.
Saphira Lynn -- I prefer Sapphire Lynn. But this is NMS.
Sawyer -- Only on a boy
Scotlynn Rose -- Interesting. Scotlynn is a little exotic, but interesting.
Shiloh -- Angelina Jolie kind of ruined it for me, but it's nice.
Skye -- LOVE
Storie -- No.
Summer Rain -- Sounds like a scent of deodorant.
Sunday -- The first of a series?
Sunshine -- NO.
Temperance -- NO.
Traeh Lillian [heart spelled backwards] -- Yuck. Nevaeh was bad enough.
Unity Anne -- Anne is lovely, but Unity makes my teeth grind.
Versailles Rochel -- These are killing me.
Zion -- I like Ziona, but not Zion.
Adonis -- Too mythological for me.
Aglaman Robert -- Aglaman? That poor boy.
Avrey Allan -- Spell it right, people.
Blaze -- Don't like it at all.
Canaan -- Again with the place names.
Chevy Michael -- Chevy is not really acceptable in my book.
Colt -- Colton would have been much better.
Denim -- HA.
Digby Wolfe -- Who comes up with these?
Fountian -- Because Fountain wasn't bizarre enough...?
Freeman -- This is a family surname. I don't like it.
Jericho -- Canaan's brother?
Jobe Elmer -- Elmer Fudd.
Journey Windriver -- A very weird car name.
Kendric Rebel -- Spell it Kendrick. And Rebel is ridiculous.
Kodiak -- There is a pizza joint in my hometown called Kodiak Jax, so this is the first thing that comes to mind. Kody is a nice nn.
Koy Reed -- Koy is either a fish or a flirty demeanor.
Lakoda Jo -- Spell it Lakota. Please. And for boys, I prefer Joe.
Marion Preston -- My mother's middle name is Marion. It's too feminine in my eyes.
McIntosh James -- McIntosh is an apple.
Morgan Alan -- Don't like them together, but individually nice.
Morgan Christopher -- Sounds better.
Morgan Lee Tate -- Too many middle names. I only like one.
Morgan Levi -- My favorite of the Morgans.
Nevaeh -- On a boy, this should be a federal offense.
Noble -- No.
Noble Dakota -- younger sib of Regal Chippewa.
Octavian -- I don't like this.
Phennix -- Can no one spell Phoenix anymore?
Raider Lincoln -- Yuck.
Reagan Thatcher -- Not bad, but I know too many girl Reagans.
Remington -- I wouldn't use it, but it's okay. Remy is a good nn.
Riddick -- The Chronicles Of. No.
Ridge Matteo -- Matteo Ridge is better, but it's still too weird for me.
Romeo James -- NMS, but okay.
Sage -- Not on a boy.
Saige -- Spell it right.
Salem -- After years of being teased for a surname that is another cigarette brand, I wouldn't recommend this.
Shasta -- I only like this on a girl, and even then, it's a little soda-popish for me.
Shiloh Jaden -- Yuck.
Tee -- As in golf, or as in shirt?
Thatcher Haiden -- I'm Haiden it.
Thornton Emerson -- Emerson is nice. Thornton is horrible.
Tristien Love -- Ew. Tristan is much better. And Love should not be used as a name, IMO.
Aspen Micah -- Dislike the flow
Austyn Joy -- tryndee spelling of Austin or Austen
Avalon Marie -- I like this. In case Avalon is too "strange," she has Marie as a fallback.
Avanlee Beth -- Avanlee? No.
Avril -- Nice
Azalia Patience -- Too much for me.
Berkley -- This is one of my guilty pleasure names.
Berlin -- Again, I dislike cities (almost always) as names.
Berlynn -- Ditto.
Briseus -- This screams masculine to me. And I don't like it.
Camber Ryan -- Too masculine.
Carson Jean -- Carson is too masculine, and Jean is all right.
Chai -- As in tea?
Chayse -- Lounge
Chenoa -- Sounds like a city in Italy
Crystal Melody -- She is going to grow up to be a stripper.
Dakota Alice -- I don't like them together
Dakota Paige -- Very nice
Dallas Marie -- I don't like Dallas, but Marie is nice
Dallas Ruby -- Dislike Ruby
Ebony -- Another guilty pleasure
Ember Luna -- NMS
Fenix -- Spell it Phoenix, or don't use it.
Fern -- NMS
Goldie -- ditto
Heart -- yecch.
Hope Trinity -- Trinity Hope flows better to me.
Infinity -- yecch.
Iris Evangeline -- I don't like Evangeline AT ALL.
Ivy Grace -- Nice, but Grace seems a bit filler to me.
Janey Russell -- Janey is only acceptable to me as a nickname, not as a given name. Russell is too masculine.
Kenyah -- Spell it Kenya.
Larkin Rose -- I don't like Larkin.
Laurel Renae -- Nice
Mahogany -- NO.
McKay -- I dislike almost all Mc- first names.
Melody Rose -- Better than Crystal Melody
Mercy -- Yecch.
Montana -- Having grown up here, I don't like it as a name.
Montana Nalani -- Ditto above, and Nalani is very weird.
Mystic -- NO.
Nevaeh Desire -- I'm choking on the saccharine sweetness over here.
Noa -- Not on a girl
Novalee -- NMSAA
Octavia -- Good to see this being used.
Onaya Star -- Dislike it
Paisley -- Guilty pleasure again.
Paisley Grace -- Grace is not my thing.
Paris -- Not after Hilton.
Rayne Irene -- I don't like them together, and I prefer it spelled Rain.
Romayne -- With brother Iceberg. Ladies and gents, it's the LETTUCE TWINS!
Ryann Stirling -- I really, really don't like this.
Sailor -- Shouldn't be used as a name.
Saphira Lynn -- I prefer Sapphire Lynn. But this is NMS.
Sawyer -- Only on a boy
Scotlynn Rose -- Interesting. Scotlynn is a little exotic, but interesting.
Shiloh -- Angelina Jolie kind of ruined it for me, but it's nice.
Skye -- LOVE
Storie -- No.
Summer Rain -- Sounds like a scent of deodorant.
Sunday -- The first of a series?
Sunshine -- NO.
Temperance -- NO.
Traeh Lillian [heart spelled backwards] -- Yuck. Nevaeh was bad enough.
Unity Anne -- Anne is lovely, but Unity makes my teeth grind.
Versailles Rochel -- These are killing me.
Zion -- I like Ziona, but not Zion.
Adonis -- Too mythological for me.
Aglaman Robert -- Aglaman? That poor boy.
Avrey Allan -- Spell it right, people.
Blaze -- Don't like it at all.
Canaan -- Again with the place names.
Chevy Michael -- Chevy is not really acceptable in my book.
Colt -- Colton would have been much better.
Denim -- HA.
Digby Wolfe -- Who comes up with these?
Fountian -- Because Fountain wasn't bizarre enough...?
Freeman -- This is a family surname. I don't like it.
Jericho -- Canaan's brother?
Jobe Elmer -- Elmer Fudd.
Journey Windriver -- A very weird car name.
Kendric Rebel -- Spell it Kendrick. And Rebel is ridiculous.
Kodiak -- There is a pizza joint in my hometown called Kodiak Jax, so this is the first thing that comes to mind. Kody is a nice nn.
Koy Reed -- Koy is either a fish or a flirty demeanor.
Lakoda Jo -- Spell it Lakota. Please. And for boys, I prefer Joe.
Marion Preston -- My mother's middle name is Marion. It's too feminine in my eyes.
McIntosh James -- McIntosh is an apple.
Morgan Alan -- Don't like them together, but individually nice.
Morgan Christopher -- Sounds better.
Morgan Lee Tate -- Too many middle names. I only like one.
Morgan Levi -- My favorite of the Morgans.
Nevaeh -- On a boy, this should be a federal offense.
Noble -- No.
Noble Dakota -- younger sib of Regal Chippewa.
Octavian -- I don't like this.
Phennix -- Can no one spell Phoenix anymore?
Raider Lincoln -- Yuck.
Reagan Thatcher -- Not bad, but I know too many girl Reagans.
Remington -- I wouldn't use it, but it's okay. Remy is a good nn.
Riddick -- The Chronicles Of. No.
Ridge Matteo -- Matteo Ridge is better, but it's still too weird for me.
Romeo James -- NMS, but okay.
Sage -- Not on a boy.
Saige -- Spell it right.
Salem -- After years of being teased for a surname that is another cigarette brand, I wouldn't recommend this.
Shasta -- I only like this on a girl, and even then, it's a little soda-popish for me.
Shiloh Jaden -- Yuck.
Tee -- As in golf, or as in shirt?
Thatcher Haiden -- I'm Haiden it.
Thornton Emerson -- Emerson is nice. Thornton is horrible.
Tristien Love -- Ew. Tristan is much better. And Love should not be used as a name, IMO.