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Re: Elisha + Random BA's
I know Elisha's a boy name but it really sounds like a girl name to me. Now to the mn suggestions: What about Samuel or Damian?Random BA's:Aspen Micah - boy combo
Berlin - our capital city, not good as a name ...
Berlynn - ... and misspelled it's even worse
Carson Jean - I hate Carson as a girl's name
Crystal Melody - sounds like a song title
Mystic - stripper name
Novalee - reminds me of some pills
Scotlynn Rose - Scotlynn? Sorry, that's horrible and a filler mn doesn't really improve it
Traeh Lillian [heart spelled backwards] - I thought nothing could get more stupid than Nevaeh, but they proved me wrong *sighs*
Adonis - not many people can live up to the expectation this name brings with it
Colt - of all word names this got to be the worst
Denim - that kid will love jeans I guess :-/
Jericho - If they chose the name after the city it's nms but okay. If it's after the TV show it's horrible.
Riddick - like the guy from the movie? *sighs again*
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