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very interesting...
Aidyn Makayla - yuck
Asia - wow, lots of Asias
Ayelet - interesting
Braelyne McKinely - yuck
Brennan Chamar - so masculine
Carson Faith - noooooo
Charity Faith Hope - so tacky
Damaris Duran - interesting, I actually know a baby Damaris
Fheobiee - yucky! Phoebe is so nice, why ruin it?
Hudson Taylor - On a girl? NO! I can't believe it!
Iris Melody - very nice
Jersie Rebecca - Jersie is so tacky
Jordan Elisha - yuck
Jordan Kirby - yuck
Kayden Jean-Doris Nevaeh - weirdest combo I've seen lately
Micah Elizabeth - so wrong
Montgomery - NO! It's so nice on a boy.
Nevaeh Trinity - so tacky
Paris Destiny Daisy - ditto
Pressley Meridian - ditto
Ramsey Compton - they really wanted a boy
Reece Walker - ditto
Riley Spencer - ditto
Skyy Elizabeth - Skyy is so tacky
Sly - horrible name
Sue Summey - Summey?BOYS
Avery - nice to see boy Averys...
Avhree - ...but not spelled like that
Bosco Gentry - Gentry? LOL!
Golden Iziah - yuck
Kailin Lechaux - ditto
Morgan Bryant - nice to see a boy Morgan
Morgan Parker - ditto
Rowan - nice
Satchel Wade - tacky
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