German top ten
How do you like the ten most popular names for children in Germany in 2004?
1. Maximilian (muk-si-MEE-lee-uhn)
2. Alexander
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl)
4. Leon (LEH-on)
5. Lukas/Lucas
6. Luca
7. Felix (FEH-liks)
8. Jonas (YO-nus)
9. Tim
10. David (DUH-vid)
1. Marie
2. Sophie
3. Maria
4. Anna, Anne
5. Leonie
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a)
7. Laura (Begins like "loud")
8. Lena (LEH-na)
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na)
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na)
1. Maximilian (muk-si-MEE-lee-uhn)
2. Alexander
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl)
4. Leon (LEH-on)
5. Lukas/Lucas
6. Luca
7. Felix (FEH-liks)
8. Jonas (YO-nus)
9. Tim
10. David (DUH-vid)
1. Marie
2. Sophie
3. Maria
4. Anna, Anne
5. Leonie
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a)
7. Laura (Begins like "loud")
8. Lena (LEH-na)
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na)
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na)
I like Leonie (this is my Grandmother's name), Anna and Sophie.
I actually knew a German who's name was Paul (rhymes with scowl). I always thought that was the neatest thing. And i have a best friend named Lena.
. Maximilian (muk-si-MEE-lee-uhn)-Don't like at all
2. Alexander -love
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl)-Okay said PAHL, I hate this pron.
4. Leon (LEH-on)-I like said LEE-on
5. Lukas/Lucas-Love
6. Luca-LOVE
7. Felix (FEH-liks)-Can't stand
8. Jonas (YO-nus)-Don't like at all
9. Tim-Only as a nickname
10. David (DUH-vid)-I like said DAY-vid
1. Marie -Love!
2. Sophie-Hate, but LOVE Sophia
3. Maria-HATE
4. Anna, Anne-LOVE both
5. Leonie-Erm, no
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a)-LOVE said LEE-ah)
7. Laura (Begins like "loud")-HATE
8. Lena (LEH-na)-Nice as a nickname
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na)-LOVE said kath-uh-REE-nah
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na)-Like a lot
2. Alexander -love
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl)-Okay said PAHL, I hate this pron.
4. Leon (LEH-on)-I like said LEE-on
5. Lukas/Lucas-Love
6. Luca-LOVE
7. Felix (FEH-liks)-Can't stand
8. Jonas (YO-nus)-Don't like at all
9. Tim-Only as a nickname
10. David (DUH-vid)-I like said DAY-vid
1. Marie -Love!
2. Sophie-Hate, but LOVE Sophia
3. Maria-HATE
4. Anna, Anne-LOVE both
5. Leonie-Erm, no
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a)-LOVE said LEE-ah)
7. Laura (Begins like "loud")-HATE
8. Lena (LEH-na)-Nice as a nickname
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na)-LOVE said kath-uh-REE-nah
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na)-Like a lot
. Maximilian (muk-si-MEE-lee-uhn)-Don't like at all
2. Alexander -love
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl)-Okay said PAHL, I hate this pron.
4. Leon (LEH-on)-I like said LEE-on
5. Lukas/Lucas-Love
6. Luca-LOVE
7. Felix (FEH-liks)-Can't stand
8. Jonas (YO-nus)-Don't like at all
9. Tim-Only as a nickname
10. David (DUH-vid)-I like said DAY-vid
1. Marie -Love!
2. Sophie-Hate, but LOVE Sophia
3. Maria-HATE
4. Anna, Anne-LOVE both
5. Leonie-Erm, no
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a)-LOVE said LEE-ah)
7. Laura (Begins like "loud")-HATE
8. Lena (LEH-na)-Nice as a nickname
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na)-LOVE said kath-uh-REE-nah
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na)-Like a lot
2. Alexander -love
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl)-Okay said PAHL, I hate this pron.
4. Leon (LEH-on)-I like said LEE-on
5. Lukas/Lucas-Love
6. Luca-LOVE
7. Felix (FEH-liks)-Can't stand
8. Jonas (YO-nus)-Don't like at all
9. Tim-Only as a nickname
10. David (DUH-vid)-I like said DAY-vid
1. Marie -Love!
2. Sophie-Hate, but LOVE Sophia
3. Maria-HATE
4. Anna, Anne-LOVE both
5. Leonie-Erm, no
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a)-LOVE said LEE-ah)
7. Laura (Begins like "loud")-HATE
8. Lena (LEH-na)-Nice as a nickname
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na)-LOVE said kath-uh-REE-nah
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na)-Like a lot
1. Maximilian (muk-si-MEE-lee-uhn)- If you call him Max, I like it
2. Alexander- Love
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl)- Hate
4. Leon (LEH-on)- Hate
5. Lukas/Lucas- Like
6. Luca- Like
7. Felix (FEH-liks)- Hate
8. Jonas (YO-nus)- I love the name pronounced Joe-nus
9. Tim- Hate
10. David (DUH-vid)- Okay
1. Marie- Like
2. Sophie- Like Sofia better
3. Maria- Like better than Marie
4. Anna, Anne- Like Anna
5. Leonie- Hate
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a)- Okay
7. Laura (Begins like "loud")- Hate
8. Lena (LEH-na)- Okay
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na)- Dislike
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na)- Okay
Responses: See above
And the world keeps spinning...
2. Alexander- Love
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl)- Hate
4. Leon (LEH-on)- Hate
5. Lukas/Lucas- Like
6. Luca- Like
7. Felix (FEH-liks)- Hate
8. Jonas (YO-nus)- I love the name pronounced Joe-nus
9. Tim- Hate
10. David (DUH-vid)- Okay
1. Marie- Like
2. Sophie- Like Sofia better
3. Maria- Like better than Marie
4. Anna, Anne- Like Anna
5. Leonie- Hate
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a)- Okay
7. Laura (Begins like "loud")- Hate
8. Lena (LEH-na)- Okay
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na)- Dislike
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na)- Okay
Responses: See above
And the world keeps spinning...
I like Luca, Felix, and Anna.
1. Maximilian (muk-si-MEE-lee-uhn) - I love Max, would never use it myself though. Maximilian is just awful imo
2. Alexander - love this, especially with Alex as an nn (I hate Xander)
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl) - it's OK
4. Leon (LEH-on) - reminds me of the movie, nice pronunciation
5. Lukas/Lucas - love it
6. Luca - it's OK, prefer Lucas
7. Felix (FEH-liks) - nms at all
8. Jonas (YO-nus) - not very keen
9. Tim - like it a lot
10. David (DUH-vid) - love the name, prefer English pronunciation
1. Marie - my preferred Mary variant, especially as a fn. As a mn it's overused
2. Sophie - love it
3. Maria - it's OK
4. Anna, Anne - prefer Anna
5. Leonie - it's cute but nms
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a) - like it a lot
7. Laura (Begins like "loud") - my mum uses this pronunciation of it sometimes for me
8. Lena (LEH-na) - love it
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na) - prefer English pronunciation. It's nice but I like Katherine/Kathryn better
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na) - nice but prefer Joanna (spelling and pronunciation)
'This is some rescue. When you came in here, did you have a plan for getting out?'
Princess Leia Organa, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

2. Alexander - love this, especially with Alex as an nn (I hate Xander)
3. Paul (rhymes with scowl) - it's OK
4. Leon (LEH-on) - reminds me of the movie, nice pronunciation
5. Lukas/Lucas - love it
6. Luca - it's OK, prefer Lucas
7. Felix (FEH-liks) - nms at all
8. Jonas (YO-nus) - not very keen
9. Tim - like it a lot
10. David (DUH-vid) - love the name, prefer English pronunciation
1. Marie - my preferred Mary variant, especially as a fn. As a mn it's overused
2. Sophie - love it
3. Maria - it's OK
4. Anna, Anne - prefer Anna
5. Leonie - it's cute but nms
6. Lea(h) (LEH-a) - like it a lot
7. Laura (Begins like "loud") - my mum uses this pronunciation of it sometimes for me
8. Lena (LEH-na) - love it
9. Katharina (cut-uh-REE-na) - prefer English pronunciation. It's nice but I like Katherine/Kathryn better
10. Johanna (yo-HUN-na) - nice but prefer Joanna (spelling and pronunciation)
Princess Leia Organa, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Maximilian should be...