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Re: More Calderdale (UK) BAs
I like:
Alexandra Elizabeth (Lauren)
Amelia Mae
Anne-Marie (Christopher and Catherine) - Love it.
Bethany Ann (Oliver)
Daisy Meir
Esther Ruth (Eleanor) - Kind of runs together, but nice enough.
Felicity Anne (Gabrielle, Thomas and Joseph) - Lovely FN, boring MN.
Hannah May - Love it.
Imogen Amy - Love it.
Isobel Mary (Jacob Matthew) – Love Isobel, Mary not so much.
Jessica Kate
Lily Rose
Lola Tilly (Talia Darienne) – Better than her sister’s name.
Lucie Elizabeth Marianne (Cheyanne, Corey, Lee, Greg and Bradley) – Wow, how do you go from Cheyanne to Lucie? Drastic improvement there imo.
Luisa Francisca and Lorenza Valentina (twins) – Nice names, despite matchyness.
Sadie Beth
Sofia Florence (Rebecca) - Very pretty, and good sibset.
SophieAlfie William
Callum James
Cameron James
Charlie Benjamin (Johnathan Jake)
Edward James Lawrence (William and Thomas) - Love it.
George Steven James
Harry (Jack)
Harry David
Harry Finn - It doesn't sound great, but both names are good.
Harry Todd (Jasmine)
Harvey William (Lewis) - I like this.
Henry George (Lucy and Elizabeth) - Very classic sibset.
Jacob Henry
Joseph Benjamin (Isaac Jake)
Lewis James (Jack)
Michael David
Ryan James
Seth Edward
Thomas Joseph
Zachary James (Madison)
Zak & Archie (twins) (Lydia Mae) - Zak is better as a nn, and I'm not keen on Archie. Lydia Mae saves them though :)
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