Wdyt of Fionola (fee-ah-NO-la) nn Nola? I was thinking of Finola too, but the sound of Fionola just appeals to me so much more.So, thoughts? Middle name sugestions? Thanks! :)
I dislike it. I'd much prefer Finola or Fiona; Fionola sounds like someone merged the two names. Nola's okay but definitely prefer the full names.I'd go with a similar style for the middle name, like Bridget or Maeve. Sorry I'm not good at combo suggestions.
I actually really don't like it. It sounds nice, but I've never liked Fiona, and it reminds me too much of Fiona. I do really like the nickname though, Nola is adorable! I don't like it, but I think I wouldn't mind it on someone else. Just, not on me, or my child. That's just my opinion though.
Oops! I didn't realize that Fionola and Finola were pronounced the same way. Someone commented Fionnghuala and said they've heard it pronounced with the extra 'ah', but I suppose that's not correct.Thanks. :)