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Re: Esme
in reply to a message by Milly
I'm afraid it is noticeable to at least a segment of the population even here in the US. I mean, we know Rene is male and Renee is female, and we know Desiree and Estee and Aimee are female. Then again, a lot of people here have never seen the name Esme on a male, and honestly I don't think they're likely to. I met a baby girl named Esme at the park recently and although I know it's supposedly a masculine spelling, I can't say I batted an eye. Besides, what about Timothee and Amedee? They break the rule in French... so it's not a hard and fast gendering rule anyways.I prefer Esme over Esmae and Esmay any day. Changing the ending just makes it confusing and distracting.
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