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Some comments
Brydee - I adore Bridie; Brydee, not so much. I wish the parents would've used Bride, though. I need some celebrity named Bride to come along and make the name seem normal, darn it!
Ellie - Ellie is cute as a button, but I prefer it as a nn for Ella.
Holly - I've never really thought of this name before. It's pretty.
Kindle - This is a name?
Latiesha - Prefer Letitia.
Tilly - Cute, but I don't care for it as a full name.Elouise and Kate - I love Eloise and am not real wild about this spelling. Kate's also nice, though I don't know if the super-formal Eloise and the super-spunky Kate really go together. Oh well.Bailey - Nice to see this on a boy.
Dylan - Eww.
Finn - Ugh. Celtic trendy.
Lachlan - I love this name. I know it's also Celtic trendy but I adore it anyway.
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