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What do you think about Přemysl? Have we any ideas on nickname?
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This makes me think of a medicine, actually a treatment of PMS, for some reason *blushes*I'm sure it would work in Poland though.
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Polish speaking abilities aside, I think the look and sound remind me of some sort of medicated ointment. (I think it's because of the -sl sound.)
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It makes me think of measles. Some nn possibilities:Mitzie
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Sorry, but unless you're living in a Polish-speaking context it seems unsuitable to have a name that's so hard to pronounce, plus like this it seems more like a brand or a surname than a fn.
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Přemysl is pretty name :)
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Just curious... How do you pronounce it?
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"Prze-meesl" (short -ee-)
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How do you pronounce "prze"?
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Prze = PŘE - it´s hard word :-(It´s also as Polish "rz".
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