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My husband and I love the name Thatcher however there is a little boy across the street named this. How wrong is it to use the name. We have liked the name since Grey's Anatomy not the little boy. It's not like we are best friends with the parents but we are on friendly terms.
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I think it would be fine, and it's an ok name, if not really my style. I don't think the connections would be any problem. Margaret Thatcher is not my first thought when I see the name, and even if she was, that's not necessarily a bad connection.
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it's fine [m]It's not like your actually related, so I'd fine to use IMO.
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I've always liked the name Thatcher, even more since Grey's Anatomy. I don't think it matters that there's a boy across the street named the same name. There's more than one boy named Aidan on my street, their parents didn't care. Honestly, I think it might help if there's another kid named Thatcher, so that people won't think the name is so unusual.
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I can only see Thatcher in connection with Margaret Thatcherand although I don't know much of her since I live in Alabama, I've only heard bad things about her.As far as the little boy across the street, I don't really think that's a problem. Especially if you brought it up to the parents beforehand, unless you think they would get angry. Since your son would be younger than their son, it wouldn't be too confusing in school, just in the neighborhood. I don't really know what I'm talking about. If you like it, use it :) (But I would read about Margaret Thatcher first.)
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It's wrong to use this name because Margaret Thatcher is a fascist hag.
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I would never use this name not because of your neighbour's son (I don't see that as a big problem) but because it reminds me too much of Margaret Thatcher...
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not a good ideaThe kids will live right near each other and will know each other. And even if you aren't best friends with the other parents, it will look to them like you have copied their idea.
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My problems with the name Thatcher would have nothing to do with a neighbour boy and everything to do with the part where it sounds like pubic hair to me. :-/ But that's neither here nor there.As far as your problem goes: Kids share names. If the people on the other side of the road can't deal with this, it's their problem. It's not as though you're close friends and you pulled the rug out from under them before they even had their baby. Your kids will probably be entire grade years apart, and the parents chose a trendy name. If you use it, too, and they're bitter, it's not your fault.I mean, if I had a daughter named Evening and then the people down the lane had an Evening two years later, I'd be bitter, but I'd know that it really isn't any of my business, what they call their kids. And then I'd take comfort in the fact that I did it first. ;)Array
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