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I love the name Coco. I could never use Coco as a full name only as nn. So do have any names that Coco could be a nn for?Tia
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Socorro /mSocorro nn Coco has been on my list for a long time. I suppose you could borrow it, but only if you promise to give it back.;p
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technically ANY name can have a nn that does not go with the actual name itsef so my suggestions is anything. I know that doesn't help much.
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I think Coco is adorable, but it could be a bit difficult to pull off, so probably best as a mn or nn.Any name that has a C could be a nn for Coco. I've considered Anchoret nn Coco.Also, I've recently considered Gabriela / Gabriella as a full name to Coco, since Coco Chanel's given name was a Gabrielle.
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I love Gabriella/Gabrielle as well. I can see myself doing that. The only thing is that I would probably have to tell the story of it everytime someone asks how I got Coco from Gabriella/Gabrielle. Still I think that is a nice idea. Thanks!
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My favourite designer is Coco Chanel so I guess that's probably one of the reasons I like it (only as a nn, though). I think some good full names for Coco are:Comfort
CosimaSomeone else already mentioned this but Coco can be a nn for anything you like. I'm definitely not going to tell you the nn my parents gave me (its just too embarrassing!) but it sounded nothing like Rachael.Also, Lillian said once that she liked Coco as a nn for Socorro. I think that's pretty cool because I personally love the name Socorro.
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Thankyou! I think Constance is pretty but I have one good association with it and one bad one. Just wondering if the good one out weighs the bad one!
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Thanks! I love Charlotte and have never thought of having the nn Coco with it, so that could be a possibility. Courtney could grow on me as well. Corinne/a is nice but I think I would only use it as a middle name.
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Any name beginning with "C" could pull it off eg. Charlotte or Clare. Nicknames don't have to fit the name itself, my cousin was nicknamed Lulu and her name was Alanah!
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I dislike it. To me it's a good name for a small yappy dog, and it's also annoying because it's a vague high-fashion reference - which is not very "classy" in my book. However, a not-too-spunky, not-too-cute, noticeably intelligent person might be able to carry it off gracefully anyways.I think it could be a nick for any name that began with a hard C, really. First guesses:Corinne /a
Caroline /a
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