Random BA's
I need a MN for Genesis [male], I recently saw in my town paper a man named Genesis. It was nice to see it on a guy for once. :) I've liked it for ages for both genders, I prefer a boy much more though.
Illusion L
June Marie
Paris L
Paris W
Paris Riley
Paris A'merie
Dawn Marie
Robin Lynn
Sahara Tina
Cyann Starla
Dovie Elisabeth
Justice Marie
Concepcion Maryanne
Saffron Alexandra
Sage C
Sage Marie
Logan Elanna
Pearl Butterfly
Heaven Shanay
Briann Unique
Hayven Le'anne
Diamond J
Brooklynn Sonora
Starlee Kate
Coral Lynn
Aspyn Noelani
Amaya November
Gailenn Joy
Ireland Jolee
Holland Elisabeth
Emory Leigh
Ahnyx B
Promise Michelle
Azul Michelle
Phoenix Ashton
Orion Elijah
Cage Allen
Andre Little Hawk
Alejandro Blue Eagle
Indio Running Deer
Crystar Shannyn
Romeo Jerrel
Harley Orion
Drevin Sky
Prince Red Allieon Fernandez
Dallas Jeffery
Dallas James
GreySun Tru-Sky
Skye S
Haze Michael
Bergen R
Star C
Irish Deen
Illusion L
June Marie
Paris L
Paris W
Paris Riley
Paris A'merie
Dawn Marie
Robin Lynn
Sahara Tina
Cyann Starla
Dovie Elisabeth
Justice Marie
Concepcion Maryanne
Saffron Alexandra
Sage C
Sage Marie
Logan Elanna
Pearl Butterfly
Heaven Shanay
Briann Unique
Hayven Le'anne
Diamond J
Brooklynn Sonora
Starlee Kate
Coral Lynn
Aspyn Noelani
Amaya November
Gailenn Joy
Ireland Jolee
Holland Elisabeth
Emory Leigh
Ahnyx B
Promise Michelle
Azul Michelle
Phoenix Ashton
Orion Elijah
Cage Allen
Andre Little Hawk
Alejandro Blue Eagle
Indio Running Deer
Crystar Shannyn
Romeo Jerrel
Harley Orion
Drevin Sky
Prince Red Allieon Fernandez
Dallas Jeffery
Dallas James
GreySun Tru-Sky
Skye S
Haze Michael
Bergen R
Star C
Irish Deen
How about Genesis James?
Can't help you with Genesis, as I've only ever seen on girls, and don't like it either way.
Illusion: So, she's not really a baby, then?
June Marie: This is so pretty, in a very 1945 kind of way.
Dawn Marie: And this is beautiful ina 1975 kind of way.
Dovie: Sounds like some Arkansas sharecropper's name ina book.
Concepcion: I know this kind of name is very popular in Spanish, but this "conception" is not the best choice.
Pearl Butterfly: A throwback to the Haigh in 1960 for sure.
Diamond J: Sounds like a ranchg, doesn't it?
Brooklynn Sonora: Geographical mix and match rears its disoriented head yet again.
Starlee Kate: Gag!
Aspyn Noelani: Another geographical impossibility!
Amaya November: Well, am I? Am I a November? No, you are not.
Ahnyx: Stripper name. AN illiterate stripper.
Cage Allen: Yes, better cage him quick, before he hurts somebody!
Alejandro Blue Eagle: The Latin Superhero! Here he comes...
Crystar Shannyn: Shannyn is a very girly/tacky spelling of a name much more common on girls. Crystar is something odd. Crying Star?
Prince Red Allieon Fernandez: Maybe he's Blue Eagle's enemy? Or some kind of beer.
Grey'sun Tru-Sky: This is what happens when so-called adults get so wrapped up in RPG. If the sun is grey, it is not a true sky.
Haze Michael: Haze him how? By breaking raw eggs on his head? Paddling his butt for three days straight?
Irish Deen: And the family is SAcottish, probably.
Illusion: So, she's not really a baby, then?
June Marie: This is so pretty, in a very 1945 kind of way.
Dawn Marie: And this is beautiful ina 1975 kind of way.
Dovie: Sounds like some Arkansas sharecropper's name ina book.
Concepcion: I know this kind of name is very popular in Spanish, but this "conception" is not the best choice.
Pearl Butterfly: A throwback to the Haigh in 1960 for sure.
Diamond J: Sounds like a ranchg, doesn't it?
Brooklynn Sonora: Geographical mix and match rears its disoriented head yet again.
Starlee Kate: Gag!
Aspyn Noelani: Another geographical impossibility!
Amaya November: Well, am I? Am I a November? No, you are not.
Ahnyx: Stripper name. AN illiterate stripper.
Cage Allen: Yes, better cage him quick, before he hurts somebody!
Alejandro Blue Eagle: The Latin Superhero! Here he comes...
Crystar Shannyn: Shannyn is a very girly/tacky spelling of a name much more common on girls. Crystar is something odd. Crying Star?
Prince Red Allieon Fernandez: Maybe he's Blue Eagle's enemy? Or some kind of beer.
Grey'sun Tru-Sky: This is what happens when so-called adults get so wrapped up in RPG. If the sun is grey, it is not a true sky.
Haze Michael: Haze him how? By breaking raw eggs on his head? Paddling his butt for three days straight?
Irish Deen: And the family is SAcottish, probably.
they are not related
I like:
Paris - only on a boy
Riley - ditto
Cyann - prefer Cyan
Justice - prefer on a boy)
Diamond - only as a mn
Coral - ditto
Amaya November - interesting
Emory - prefer Emery & only on a boy
Promise - only as a mn
Orion Elijah - I like both names, but not really as a combo
Blue - only as a nn
Deen - spelled Dean
Paris - only on a boy
Riley - ditto
Cyann - prefer Cyan
Justice - prefer on a boy)
Diamond - only as a mn
Coral - ditto
Amaya November - interesting
Emory - prefer Emery & only on a boy
Promise - only as a mn
Orion Elijah - I like both names, but not really as a combo
Blue - only as a nn
Deen - spelled Dean