Camilla, Camila, Camille.
I've always disliked Camille because it reminded me of 'chameleon' and I've never liked the pro. of Camila. (Kah-mee-lah)
But lately Camilla is really getting to me. It doesn't seem like a very popular name and I've never known anyone with it. What is your over all oppinion of the name and what would you think of a little girl with this name? An adult?
And which is your favorite, Camilla, Camille, or Camila?

This message was edited 5/7/2007, 2:41 PM

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It's ok, but not my favourite.Thanks
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I love the name Camille, but the others are nice too in my opinion.
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I LOVE Camille, Camila and Camilla. I'd be over the moon to see a little Camilla / Camila / Camille. I also adore Camelia / Camellia (the former is a Romanian form of Camilla, the latter a flower).
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I like Camille just because I don't Prince Charles's new wife Camilla.
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I like Camille the best.
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Camellia or Camilla.
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I love Camille, but prefer it as a mn, as it flows well with a lot of names and I also would like to avoid the nn Cammy. Camilla is also nice (though I don't care for Camila at all) but reminds me of Prince Charles' wife a little too much, and therefore seems a bit stuffy.
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I like the Spanish / Italian pronounciation kah-MEEL-ah the most.I prefer the spelling Camilla to Camila and I think they can be pronounced either way.So in order of prference I like:Camilla
Camila (actually I don't like the way this looks)Overall, I think Camilla / Camille are classic pretty names. They remind me of gardens.Luxiana
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I definately think that Camille is the best. It is okay. It is very sophistocated, and would sound better on an adult then on a little kid.
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Camilla's fine, but I prefer Camellia to them all. I fell in love with it watching Now, Voyager, in which the camellia flower plays a rather substantial role. :)After Camellia, I like Camille (also thanks to Now, Voyager), and then Camilla. Camila doesn't appeal to me.Array
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I forgot about Camellia--I love that one, too
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I used to like Camilla, I think its a lovely name, and has very pretty nicknames, like Millie and Cami, but I associate it with the Duchess of Cornwall and I must say I am not a big fan of her, so I wouldn't use it anymore. These days I prefer Camille for the same reason.
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That's another thing, I'm afraid people will associate it with the Duchess of Cornwall also and I don't really like her.
The only reason I've gotten past that is because I associate it with Camilla Belle and she kind of makes up for that.
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Yeah, Camilla Belle is a better association for sure..
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I like Camille and Camilla, and I think they look good, but they're not my all-time faves or anything. I knew one girl named Camilla, but we were never more than acquaintances, so it didn't really leave a lasting impression on me.I think it would be cute on a little girl, and it would work for an adult. Aunt Camilla has a nice ring to it ;D But Grandma Camilla? I don't know...
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I like Camilla best by far. I've always been turned off by the "eel" sound in Camille and Camila. I've never known a Camilla, but I should think it would be all right on a child, and would definitely mature well.
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