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Re: Beatrice
I adore Beatrice. :) I like it best as a mn, too. It flows nicely with a lot of fn's (see suggestions below, lol). I think Celia Persephone and Sophia Beatrice is a nice sibset. My only 'issue' with it is the similarity in sound between Celia and Sophia. Mn's don't "stick out" too much to me in general, except in extreme cases (say if it were John Michael and Mary Cleopatra, lol). Augusta Beatrice
Cordelia Beatrice
Nora Beatrice
Estella Beatrice
Susannah Beatrice
Clara Beatrice
Lydia Beatrice
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Susannah Beatrice is my favorite ever combo - it's mine!
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It's yours? Like your real name?d

This message was edited 4/17/2007, 8:55 PM

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No, Susannah Beatrice is not my real name, but I'm claiming it for my future daughter! Actually, both Susannah and Beatrice are family names, but I just love this combo anyway.
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Augusta Beatrice and Cordelia Beatrice are really catching my fancy! The others are lovely, too, but now I have a little Aggie in my mind, so I think I'm stuck hehe.
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I can't believe I never thought of Aggie as a nn for Augusta. I LOVE Augusta, but could only think of Augie, Gus, or Gussie, all of which I really dislike. But Aggie is great! :)
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