What do you think of the following sibset?
Miranda "Mandi" Elizabeth
Sara Katherine
James Richard
Miranda "Mandi" Elizabeth
Sara Katherine
James Richard
Very, very nice, but I would love it if Sara became Sarah! :)
I think that all the names are classic and beautiful. I don't know that I would've paired them together but all in all, good sibset.
I like:
Elizabeth (mn)
Sara Katherine (prefer Sarah)
James (mn)
Elizabeth (mn)
Sara Katherine (prefer Sarah)
James (mn)
I like Elizabeth it's a great mn (my mn lol)! Miranda is nms but I think Miranda Elizabeth is OK. I like the nn Mandi but I prefer it spelt Mandy, but then when I see Mandy I think Mandi is probably better for Miranda.
I dislike both Sara and Katherine. Sara Katherine as a combo I hate even more. I'm not too sure they go together.
James is very populular and I don't like it. Richard I don't like either. Together it seems awful.
I dislike both Sara and Katherine. Sara Katherine as a combo I hate even more. I'm not too sure they go together.
James is very populular and I don't like it. Richard I don't like either. Together it seems awful.